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BSP Error while entering Surveys link on WebUI on specific Business Role

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Dear Experts,

when I am entering link for Surveys in Marketing or Sales Operations Work Center on WebUI in SAP CRM it appears BSP Error, but only on specific Business Role - Sales Pro. On Marketing Pro this link works. Maybe you have some suggestions what this message could be ? Regards, Kacper

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Hello, your issue is very similar to what was reported here (here too but less detailed) and it should be related to Simple Objects (SO2 acronym on error is a cue for it).

Please take a read on those answers and review Simple Objects customizing.


This not only about sets definitions, but which sets were loaded in runtime and how each one was defined. Now I had the time to open where this error happens, and looks like this message only tells briefly what was the issue. I really advise to debug (or ask a help from a developer to debug it) because it still a multiple definition issue caused by some customizing, but on Entity itself rather than on component. Debugging it you can discover what entity is and at what component set was loaded first. One of them is probably a bad customizing and should be solved. (less likely that) Could be code too, and with debug you discover where by looking at stack call.

I'll just point some more directions to guide you at debug:

The error message points where it is raised (highlight on blue), and that block only have one method that could trigger that catch block: APPEND_PROPERTY_ENTRIES.

This method also have only one point that throws the exception caught outside: a insert on a hashed table that failed (ie. already have an entry for unique key). Highlighted variables/attributes worth to be inspected on debug.

That key (properties_tab definition) is defined by NAMESPACE and OBJECT (both attributes from LS_PROPERTIES). You debug it with external breakpoints or you can also use Conditional Breakpoints (but I recommend to check this when you have time, it is very useful for general CRM debugging).

I don't think there is anymore input I can provide from here on. It is really check what is going on inside the code and fix related customizing/code by relating with what was done in your environment. Best regards (and good luck!)

Best regards

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Dear thalesvb ,

thank you for your feedback. I have checked the issue and in the component set SVY I can only see one component SVY so there are no duplicates in this set. Maybe I am thinking wrong ?

The second thing is why this message is pointing on other component sets like ALL, BT, EMPTY, SAVEDSEARCH and SO2.... and why this issue appears only on one business role (Sales Pro)...

Could you please give me some suggestions from your experience ?



Active Contributor
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Hello kacper (sorry this delay).

I updated my answers with some more info to help you somehow, because I couldn't add it as a new comment (maybe because of images or temporary server issues)


Dear thalesvb ,

terribly sorry for my late reply ! I have reviewed your answer with our developer and what we have managed to sort out is that there was a problem in development which had some conflict with Surveys. What our developer explained me is that there was a problem in a namespace - someone has called his custom BOL object the same as one of the object used in Surveys and the system did not check the quniqueness of the name.

The problem is now solved and everything launches perfect !

Thank you once again Thales !

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