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Workflow to send email based on person who initiated action

Former Member
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Hi All,

We are trying to create a workflow that when a lead's status is changed to say 'Qualified', a workflow kicks in and sends an email to the person who changed the lead status, with a link to the intranet site.

Just cant figure out how to do set this up. For example in the list of determination or recipients, I cant figure out how to specify 'person who changed the status of the lead'..

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Sandico,

You cannot add the person who has changed the status of the lead (in the "Recipient Determination" step).

At employee level you can only select the Marketing Responsible or Sales Responsible (or their managers).

For your specific requirement, you might need to do customization (using PDI).



Former Member
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Would 'Sales Employee Responsible' work? Not sure what that means, it sounds like who is the Owner of that Lead? Where can I find out what each means.


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*bump* I can't find in any guide what the meaning is of each of those roles in the picture above.