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What is the difference between acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads and impex.import.workers?

Active Contributor

Hotfolder is slow. I see that acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads and impex.import.workers can be configured to improve the hotfolder performance. What is the difference between the two?

What is the recommended value for each key? impex.import.workers has a recommended value of "cores *2", but acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads does not have any recommended value.

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Hi geff.h.n.chang

Both "acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads" and "impex.import.workers" affect the ImpEx import process (both will determine how many threads the import cron job has).

What is important to note is that:

  1. "impex.import.workers" impacts all ImpEx imports (including ImpEx imports from Backoffice, the Admin Console, and Hot Folders)
  2. "acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads" will only impact Hot Folders (it won't impact ImpEx imports from other areas of the system)
  3. I believe "acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads" will override the setting for "impex.import.workers". That means if your "impex.import.workers" has a setting of 6, while ""acceleratorservices.batch.impex.max-threads" is set to 2, your Hot Folder import will only execute with 2 threads.

Please note that it's likely that the ImpEx import threads are not the only reason for the Hot Folder bottleneck. It is worth checking out Distributed ImpEx and Service Layer Direct as methodologies of improving import performance. This requires more configuration (and possibly customization) on top of the SAP Commerce Cloud backend engine.

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+1 Thanks for the useful info, Adam. Will look into this.

0 Kudos

+1 Great answer! Thanks.

Just some extra info:

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