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What field can I use in the integration or Iflow to bring in the Marketing Cloud area?

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Hello Experts

We are sending Orders, products, shopping carts from Commerce to Marketing Cloud.

So far, these interactions have been good for us, but we see that the marketing area has not arrived.

Checking in CPI in the Iflow of orders for example (Replicate-Order-from-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-to-SAP-Marketing-Cloud):

There is no field on the Marketing side that allows mapping the value that will identify the marketing area.

The problem also occurs in other integrations such as in Products the Iflow: Replicate-Product-from-SAP-Commerce-Cloud-to-SAP-Marketing-Cloud.

Best regards

Elio C.

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Active Contributor

Hi Elio,

in the mentioned iFlow, the API CUAN_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_IMP_SRV is used. As you can see on SAP Help page, it also includes the MarketingArea Entity Set:

I would have to check, what exactly has to be done, but as far as I know it should be possible to adapt the iFlow to include the Marketing Area in the structure. I know that we did the same for the ERP Order iFlow which uses the same Marketing Cloud API.

BR Tobias

Active Contributor

Hi Elio,

In my experience, I understand that Marketing Area is connected to a contact and not to the transactional data!

Could you please explain a bit more why and with which data you're trying to connect marketing area, or what's your use-case?

Thank you.



0 Kudos

Hi kunal_bansal

Your comment is correct, in the contact or account data you can add the Markting area.

But, I have the scenario that a customer who comes to me from SAP Commerce Cloud, the customer can buy in the three web stores that currently exist.

So the customer can shop at any of those web stores, and each one has its own marketing area.

Maybe it wouldn't make as much noise or annoyance to the end users. But it is that when entering the interaction Order or shopping carts the field is empty.

So, if SAP puts it on display, it is because it could be used, and assigned.

It is what I understand and it seems logical to me and my users ask me for it.

But if technically it is not feasible, well, I would have the answer to give.


Elio C.

Active Contributor

Hi 3li0cent3,

It makes sense now, recommend you to raise an SAP ticket under CEC-MKT-ITC and let them re-route accordingly.

best Regards,
