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Solr exact match search issue with material codes contain special characters

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Hi Experts,

We have a requirement, If the User search with exact material number then User will be redirected to PDP page of that material.

Description: Hybris will check for exact match with the following filters :- -> Ignore Case (like upper case or lower case of the alphabets of the searching material number) -> Remove any special character, like hyphen ‘-‘, Underscore ‘_’, Pound ‘#’, Parentheses ‘(‘ and ‘)’, Forward slash ‘/’, Period ‘.’

Use cases : 1. Material codes can be either numbers or alphanumeric with or without special character. (e.g. FW35X600XL02, FW35-7002E3L65, ZF-HFW35C812XL80) 2. A Material code can be present as sub-string in another Material code. (e.g. FW35-8011, FW35-8011T1) 3. A Material code can be present as a Sub-String in Material Names.

Could you please provide suggestions on how to achieve this.

Thanks, Murali

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Hi , This may solved by adding custom field type at SOLR schema. Create custom field type in schema as below: 1. For case sensitive --> use LowercaseFilter 2. For removing special characters use WordDelimiterFilter with only concateAll option enabled. 3. Assign that field type to material codes.

Sample field type:


This will generated tokens by removing special characters & lowercased at index time & query time, to get it matched.

Hope this will help you.
