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Screen rule edit button for External ID

Active Participant


I need to create a screen rule, or some other configuration so that, when transferring a sales order and S4/ECC returns the External ID, this sales order can no longer be edited, for example with the inclusion of new items, or external reference change. Once the order has been transferred to the external system, editing/adjusting the order cannot take place in C4C.

However, due to screen adaptation, it does not allow creating a rule for the edit button. I was only able to apply rule per field on screen, but in this case, I need to apply rule in all fields of the sales order.

In short: I need to create a configuration that when the sales order contains the external ID, C4C does not allow editing of this order because it has already been transferred to S4 / ECC.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Try changing the document maintenance mode in -> configuration -> Sales orders -> Document type -> Maintenance mode -> set to Internal & external

Once transfer is submitted the order is then no longer editable in C4C and any follow on takes place in ERP

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Pittard Lee thanks for your reply;

These settings in Fine-Tune are already applied.

Any other suggestions for configuration?

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hi Clovis, change the setting to internal and save then back to internal & external (it's something I have experienced before), this is standard functionality that the order should not be editable once transferred. If it still doesn't work after that I suggest raising an incident

