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Sales Invoice with BOM incorrect Warehou

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S c e n a r i o

First i would like to mention that it was just working fine until we restarted the integration framework.

The issue with any Invoice created in the CCO with a BOM sales item, it should add the correct Warehouse of the main item to the components but it adds the default warehouse.

B1if Version 1.22.36

sap.CustomerCheckout 4.0.41

sap.CCO.Extension 3.2.3

SAP Business One 10.0 version 10.00.160

A c t u a l r e s u l t

The invoice is coming with the default warehouse

E x p e c t e d r e s u l t

The invoice should come to SAP B1 with the correct warehouse not the default warehouse

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I guess you are referring to the extension point sap.CCO.DftWhsefrmMast that we published on the Partner Edge

  • When you send a Sales BoM item from CCO to B1 and no extension point is active, BoM child items are taken from the warehouse assigned to them in B1 (BoM master data).
  • With the extension point sap.CCO.DftWhsefrmMast active, BoM child items are taken from the (default) warehouse set in CCO (or the manually overwritten non-default warehouse respectively)

To activate the extension point:

  1. Download and import to B1if the Download Pack: Several Sample for Demo Purposes
  2. In B1if go to Scenarios => Setup
  3. Select Scenario Package Identifier => sap.CustomerCheckout
  4. Hit the Data Mgt. button
  5. Choose entry Table: vTbl.IncludeList.xml
  6. In the popup window find the line with SAP Step Extension Point sap.POS.POSTInvoice_UseBoM
  7. In the partner step field select sap.CCO.DftWhsefrmMast
  8. Close the popup window

Now the partner extension point is active and you should notice that Sales BoM child items in an A/R invoice from CCO can have a different warehouse than before.

Please note: SAP shipped the extension package for demo purposes. It is not supported as part of a Support Incident.

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