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Production server database update

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All, My current project based on hybris 4.7 version. I have requirement to add few custom attribute in custom item type.

I have follow the below steps. 1)I have added attribute in *items.xml 2)Build the application(ant clean all) 3)Start the hybris serevr. 4)Run the system update with uncheck(Create Esential data).

After complition of hybris update, i have validated the attribute through flexy search query. Its working fine at preprod environment.


1)Copy *items.xml 2)run antproductioncommand. 3)run ant clean all 4)run hybris server 5)run hybris system update.

After complition of hybris update, i have validated the attribute through flexy search query. Its working fine at preprod environment.


1)Copy *items.xml 2)copy servicelayer folder from preprod environment which is generated during antproduction. 3)copy platformwebservice folder from preprod environment which is generated during antproduction. 4)run ant clean all 5) validated model class and found added attribute available. 6)run hybris server 7)run hybris system update.

After complition of hybris update, i have validated the attribute through flexy search query. added attribute not available in respective item type.

Please suggest here. not understand why this things happen on production.Except production its working fine on Dev server, SIT server and UAT server.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Wow, there is so much going on in your question...

First of all, hybris 4.7 is not supported any more, at all

Second, your deployment process seems to be faulty.

What you should do:

  1. On your CI server, create the deployment artifacts via ant production
    The zip files contain everything that's necessary! There is no need to copy additional files!

  2. copy the generated zip files to your target environment

  3. On the target environment:

    1. Delete the old version, e.g. rm -rf /path/to/install/hybris/bin

    2. unpack the zip files (copied in step 2) to your installation folder, e.g unzip *.zip -d /path/to/install/ You now should have your new version in hybris/bin

    3. Adapt / update config files, if necessary

    4. run ant all (only necessary because of 4.7!) In newer versions you would use ant deploy

    5. start server

    6. run hybris update etc