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No activation at Re-installation of Add-in Outlook for Office 365

0 Kudos

Dear Experts of Sales Cloud and C4C,

I am having trouble reinstalling the Sales Cloud (C4C) Add-in for Outlook 365 and would like your advice.

My symptoms:

(1) Oulook for Office 365 crashes due to C4C add-in.

(2) I checked the display of disabled COM add-ins and found that the C4C add-in was targeted and disabled, so I enabled it.

(3) I checked the Outlook add-in option and restarted Outlook, but no matter how many times I ran it, the check was automatically unchecked and the add-in was not enabled.

(4) Then I removed C4C from the list of add-ins, and Outlook and the PC were restarted.

Next, after having the system administration department grant administrative permission, I uninstalled the add-in for Outlook, and reinstalled it.

(5) However, the check box for the add-in did not appear, and restarting Outlook and the PC made no difference.

At the same time, I reinstalled add-in for Excel for Offic 365 and this I confirmed add-in works well.

It would be helpful to know what action to take next.

Best regards,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Kentaro,

You should send a ticket to C4C and have them assist. This is a possible bug in the add-in which support or their dev team should check and fix. Give them a run for their money 🙂


0 Kudos

Hi Julius,

Thank you for your comment.

I will do that because I have tried to find same Q&A in this community but could not find.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)


Hi, looking forward to seeing responses.

Personally, I've always found the Outlook Add-In (Client version) to be very temperamental and consumes so much of our IT support time & effort. I'm aware the Server version is supposed to be more reliable, but switching is not yet an option for my company.

0 Kudos

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your comment.

I think your idea is worthy of consideration.

