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New Contact Person created in S4 when a relationship type "Has Contact Person" is maintained in C4C

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Hi Experts,

As per current process, we are importing relationships in C4C for individual customers and accounts and same relationships are replicating to S4 successfully.

But we identified one issue on a specific scenario which is When we maintain relationship “Has contact person” for individual customer with other individual customer in C4C (Both customers source system is S4 only)z, relationship replicating to S4, but that 2nd BP creating as new contact person in S4 system.

Relationship added in C4C

Relationship replicated in S4 but created a contact with ID '183'

Due to this reason, when we maintain/update relationship in S4 for the same customer, relationship failing in C4C with error “Writing of key mapping for external ID type 123 and external ID 456 failed” since that newly created contact is not available in C4C.

Error received in C4C post making any changes in BP 1445135 in S4

Ex: I have BP-1 (Individual customer) “1001” and maintaining relationship “Has contact person” with BP-2 (Individual customer) “1002” in C4C and same relationship replicated to S4. But in S4 BP-2 is created as a new contact person “12345”. Now when we add/modify the BP "1001" in S4, same is failing in C4C, since the new contact person "12345” is not available in C4C.

I am not sure why this is creating as new contact person in S4 in this case. Do we have any config in S4 to not create this BP as a new contact person again?



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Generally this happens if key mapping not properly written .

During the first create , is all confirmation messages BP and Relationship properly exchanged , can you check the key mappings in S4