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Need BAPI/FM/Class to create Subscription Order: Variant Configuration -S4 Hana

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I am using S/4 Hana with CRM(IS-TELCOM) and using Subscription order in my project.

I am using CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN to create Order Subscription Order .

But Variant configuration of Product with Subscription order is not creating.

IT_CONFIG table parameters in CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN Is not creating configuration values. As per my analysis we need to create Configuration values of Product and attach to Order

Is the any Function Module/Bapi or Class to create Variant configuration of Subscription Order.

Characteristic values are stored in IBINVALUES tables.

Note: Its creating configuration values from Fiori.


Rajesh V

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Rajesh,

try to use API function module CRM_ISX_BTX_API_ORDER_CREATE. For creating the data you'll find parameter IS_ORDER_DATA from type CRMT_ISX_PROVIDER_CREATE_API.

export of the documentation guid:

ITEM_CONFIG: The product can be configured here. For example, you can enter some characteristics options in attribute CONFIG: You can maintain characteristics in this structure. If no data is maintained, the default configuration is used. Otherwise, the system uses a combination of the default configuration and the one you have entered. The entered configuration has the highest priority. This structure includes two fields:
a) CHARACTERISTIC: Enter the characteristics key (name) here. For example, the product has the characteristic TV_CRAD with two values Mobile TV normal (Mobile_TV) and Mobile HDTV (Mobile_HDTV). You must now enter the characteristic TV_CRAD in the field CHARACTERISTIC and the value, for example Mobile_HDTV in the field value.
b) VALUE: You must maintain a value for the characteristic here.
0 Kudos

Hi Jonathan Koltz,

Thanks for your detailed explanation, Its very useful, I am able to create Subscription order with config data.

I need one more clarification, Is there any similar FM to change partner address and Submit order in subsequent process or we have to use FM: CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN.


Rajesh V

0 Kudos

Dear Jonathan Klotz,

My problem is little bit different. I am populating all the characteristics and corresponding values correctly but in my model, based on one of the characteristics a variant condition has to be derived which is not happening in my case. For example i have a characteristic with name PLAN_TYPE with FTTH_15 as one of value. On this characteristic VARCOND is associated. When i create Subscription Order using this characteristic value, order is created and in config i can see the correct value is populated for PLAN_TYPE but VARCOND is not determined and it is empty.

When i open the subscription order and click on edit it then automatically determine the VARCOND.

I have looked into the API and there is a variable in control structure IS_CONTROL-CHECK_CONFIG. I have tried it with 'X', but no luck.

Is there something i am missing.


Taslim Alam

0 Kudos

Hi Rajesh & Jonathan,

Just to add that the FM CRM_ISX_BTX_API_ORDER_CREATE is not yet released for Customer. Therefore if you face any issue, then SAP will not provide the support. I have faced the above issue and SAP has denied to help.


Taslim Alam

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

0 Kudos

I am using same function module to create order but I am getting product error. Function module is appending zeros in front of product. Any idea? Is this due to configuration.? Please help

0 Kudos

I am using same function module to create order but I am getting product error. Function module is appending zeros in front of product. Any idea? Is this due to configuration.? Please help

0 Kudos

Hey Raj,

what do you mean exactly with "partner address"?

regards, jonathan

0 Kudos


Yes, I want to update partner address(Ex: sold-to-party) and Submit order in step 2(after verification of order).