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How to use one customer check monitor for several HANA data bases

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Dear Experts,

Kindly note that we are currently trying to to config Sap Customer Checkout for several SAP Business One HANA data bases using a single Integration framework (Cloud Control Centre concept) with in the application server . In this situation Can anyone advise how to use the Customer Checkout monitor function to monitor those data bases activities separately and Is there any other way around to fill this requirement accordingly . Thanks in advance .

Best Regards,

Tharindu Wijesinghe.

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Dear Gunther ,

Thanks a lot for your continues support on this query and yes finally succeeded the non cloud test run. Now can view the separate data bases result using different runtime users . Next about to try this with in the cloud control center environment . Thanks again for your assistance as always .

Best Regards,

Tharindu Wijesinghe .


Hello tharindu,

you can use multiple B1i runtime users to separate different customers in B1. These runtimes users are assigned to the specific B1 DB with the system ID, which is set in B1i -> User administration. In CCO you just use the customers runtime user, then they can only connect to their assigned B1 DB for receipt posting & synchronisation.

See also the Solution Cloud in this note:

This explains it quite well.

Best Regards


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Hello Everyone ,

Hope you all are doing great as usual ,

Regarding the above matter captioned . Recently we have faced new issue which is we have configured a new cloud control center and here initial two sap customer checkout customers going to on board . So we have followed every steps and advices given by the experts above previously and did what had to do . But after all done with in the cyber duck software if we created a config.xml file it display no data for both runtime users in the monitor and if delete or rename the config.xml file when going to view the checkout monitor using separate runtime users (HPOS and APOS) both users shows the same results of HPOS customer( It need to show their specific db. sales info separately but please note that Only HPOS customer has sales data and APOS customer is new and still not process any sale so HPOS customer to show their sales in the monitor and APOS customer should show no result as their no sales been posted yet) . So please advice how to get rid of this matter and really appreciated if anyone could .

For your further reference we are using server 2019 , Java machine 11 and Apache tomcat 8.5.61 version . and B1if scenario version is V4.0.51 . So if anyone could tell how to trouble shoot this matter it will be really helpful .

Please guys we are still suffering from this matter and cannot figure out what to do next . So Really grateful if some one can support .

Thanks in advance .

Best Regards,

Tharindu .

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Dear Gunther ,

Could you please give us any other clue to check on this matter .

Best Regards,

Tharindu .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear tharindu,

The message You couldn't be authenticated... relates to the runtime user under B1if => User Adminstration => Runtime users. You can reset the password there to be absolutely sure the user is unlocked and the password is correct. I can't think of another reason why you should get this error. The B1i user used in the connection between B1if and B1DI has nothing to do with it.

Kind regards,


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Dear Gunther,

Thanks for your valuable advise . Will check on that as well.

Many Thanks and Best Regards,

Tharindu .

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Dear Gunther ,

Really appreciated your quick response on this . We have done what you said but below error is coming while trying to connect,

Even though we had created that runtime user in sap business one but still the error occurs . What should we do to move forward from here . We need to apply the scenario in live environment soon as possible but before that need to complete the test run so your assist is very important for us .

Kindly note that in the integration framework all connection are been successfully connected through the B1i user . do we need to replace it as well with the Runtime user ?

Thanks and Best Regards,

Tharindu .

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Dear Gunther ,

Regarding the above query , We have further tested using all given advises and finally able to view separate data bases information using separate runtime users . But the issue we faced is here after when try to connect sap business one from integration tab it's giving and error as in this note in our on-premise test server.

(SysID and User configured in the Integration Tab of SAP Customer Checkout is different from the SysID and User configured in the Scenario Package Administration in the integration component for SAP Business One)

and after deleting the config.xml only the connection establishing with sap business one again . But when deleted the config file again data base transaction separation removing and both db's transactions again start visualizing to both uses .

What can we do to achieve both task together . Will you please further advice on this .

Best Regards,

Tharindu .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear tharindu,

Message SysID and User configured in the Integration Tab of SAP Customer Checkout is different from the SysID and User configured in the Scenario Package Administration in the integration component for SAP Business One is thrown when the user from Solution Cloud is not the same as maintained in CCO => Integration => SAP Business One.

So, if in B1if you are mapping SysID 0010000101 with runtime user B1iRuntime1 then you need to integrate CCO with user B1iRuntime1 and SysID 0010000101 (CCO => Integration => SAP Business One), too.

Kind regards,


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Dear Gunther ,

Yes that's correct …!

Kindly find below screen shots as requested ,

B1i Runtime users ---

B1i user login in checkout monitor (POS system CCO comes from SYSID - 0010000101 and TEST comes from SYSID - 0010000102 )

B1i_Runtime_1 login in checkout monitor --

B1i_Runtime_2 login in checkout monitor --

Guess from the below steps 3rd point not been done in our test environment so kindly consider that as well and please advise further how we can do it properly .

Thanks and Best Regards,

Tharindu .

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Dear Gunther ,

Could you please further advise on this .

Best Regards,

Tharindu .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello tharindu,

In my test environment I am using a tool called Cyberduck (it is referenced in KBA 2632210) to connect via Webdav (HTTP).


Once connected to path /B1iXcellerator/exec/webdav/ I created the config.xml file with a right mouse click => New File... That's all really.

Kind regards,


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Dear Gunther ,

Above advises are well noted and appreciate your support on this . Kindly note that I followed previously below steps to extend the said path to create the config.xml as you mentioned there again and did the above given steps as well but still it shows all transaction with out any difference no matter the user (Runtime or the B1i) . So we guess our WEBDEV connection was not established as required . There fore could you kindly advise how to do it properly and then we can try the same again accordingly .

Thanks and Best Regards,

Tharindu .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear tharindu,

From the previous replies I gather you have two B1i runtime users

B1i_Runtime_2 mapped to SysID 0010000101

B1i_Runtime_1 mapped to SysID 0010000102

Furthermore in CCO Monitor you have different documents posted from CCO to both SysID 0010000101 and SysID 0010000102.

And you tried different logons to CCO Monitor with both runtime users and for both logons identical documents are displayed?

Can you confirm with screenshots?

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear tharindu,

The config.xml file in path /B1iXcellerator/exec/webdav/ indicates whether it's a cloud system. Since your system is on-premise the config.xml is not there. This is as expected.

But for testing / simulating the cloud scenario you can just add the config.xml file in this directory. It doesn't need any content, it just needs to be there with this exact name.

Step-by-step description:

  1. Using the WEBDAV application access the path /B1iXcellerator/exec/webdav/ like you did before
  2. Create a new file in that folder and name it config.xml
  3. Restart the B1if service
  4. Connect to CCO Monitor using the specified runtime user
  5. You will only see transactions sent to the SysID mapped with this user

I just tested it myself - it works.

Best regards,


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Dear Gunther ,

Thanks for supporting on this query ,

The documentation link been provided cannot find in the help portal .

The mention file is not exist with in the said path here is the screen shot below for your reference ,

And please note that before going to continue this process with in Cloud control center we are checking this solution with in on-premise pc to get make sure we can view two different customers data base's sales data separately with in one customer checkout monitor .

Could you kindly advise any thing we need to try and out on our environment further to get what we required .

Thanks and Best Regards,

Tharindu .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear tharindu,

Please refer to the help documentation:

For connecting to SAP Business One Cloud, the integration framework for SAP Business One must contain the document In the case of problems, please check whether this file exists under the path specified.

Can you confirm the config.xml exists in the path specified above?

Best regards,


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Hello Kai ,

Thanks for the advise on our above query . We are in the process of checking the same and could you please tell further which license need to be attached to this run time user to pass entries to sap business one.

Because as below we have provided license types to that user but below error coming in the checkout monitor preventing entry to be posted to the sap business one .

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Tharindu Wijesinghe.

0 Kudos

Hello Tharindu,

the B1i runtime User needs to be created in the User Management directly in the B1if, not in Business One.

Please check the solution in the note I linked.

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Hello Kai,

Thanks for the prompt response on our last query .

Yes as you had mentioned in the previous reply we created the runtime users as below

with in the integration framework and connected two different client data bases as well . But our concern was how to setup B1DI connection in SLD . Are we need to use same B1i user to connect both as usually without creating these runtime users in business one as well and going to connect through them . Please advise.

Thanks and best Regards,

Tharindu .

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Hi Kai ,

Further to th above query we have tested our requirement using B1i to connect two data bases with sap business one in the integration framework and searched in the checkout monitor to view transactions using both B1i runtime users separately . But what we have experienced is even though we had setup Sysid's separately for those two runtime users the checkout monitor result shows collection of data from both data bases for both runtime user id's . So our requirement had not fulfilled so far (It should view each data base sales results to other data base) . So what do we done wrong here not to pick db wise data for those separate runtime users .

Thanks and Best Regards,


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Hello Joerg ,

Let me explain about my query further ,

It's like this we are having a cloud space call cloud control center for SAP Business One HANA . So in there we have configured several different customer's data bases (Normal Hana installation has 2 servers one Application and other one data base server but here adding another server called cloud control center it may replace with SLD and having privilege to manager user access separation as per the understanding) . So when need access to those different company data bases IT team providing separate access related only to particular company data bases for our clients . Even though there are several customers on board Cloud control center manage access to the data base separately using the SAP Business one installation in the application server .

There for it is not several data bases for one customer and different data bases for different customers . We have installed two different sap customer checkout and two different sap customer checkout manager as well for two customers initially to test the scenario using different ports . So my concern is how to separate customer checkout monitor function for those two different customers because both customers are using the same checkoutB1i .

Hope this is understandable and could you kindly guide us on this .

Thanks and Best Regards,

Tharindu .

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Hello tharindu

I am not sure I understand the question here. The integration currently works like this:

  • CCO <--> B1IF
  • CCO <--> CCOM

Accordingly, there is absolutely no touch point between CCOM and B1IF, so your question as to the implications of using CCC on the B1IF side has no impact at all on the way you implement CCOM.

If you want to know how to set up CCOM for multiple customers, please check the chapter regarding multi-tenancy in the CCOM guide. That way you use a single CCOM installation for multiple customers, each with different databases (or rather, schemas).

More details here: Using SAP Customer Checkout manager in Multi-Tenant Mode

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
