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How to export all C4C notes and files to CSV or Excel workbook

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I use SAP C4C at work throughout the day, 8 hours a day. I imagine every SAP customer who uses C4C has their own interface with fields customized to their business's needs, but I think a common field (or set of fields) is likely to be something called Notes.

In the C4C web-app that I use daily, there are (among other tabs) "Notes" and "Attachments" tabs, each of these two tabs holding fields for C4C users to enter many notes in the Notes tab of a single record or attach many files to a single record in the Attachments tab. In my company's C4C interface, these two tabs are clearly designed to accept many (hundreds? thousands? unsure of limits) notes and files, day after day, each describing (in free-form notes) or documenting (in ASCII or binary files like PDF & DOCX files) multiple interactions spanning days, weeks, or months, with the single customer described in a single C4C record.

I frequently refer to fields in these Notes and Attachments tabs using the C4C web-app, running in a web browser like Chrome.

I want to be able to create a C4C Report that will export to a single data file, many or all C4C fields, including the contents of each note in the Notes tab and each file in the Attachments tab. Since the files may be binary, I think an ASCII CSV file won't support exporting files to it, but it seems to me like CSV output files should support exporting the ASCII text-based notes in the Notes tab fields. And I know that C4C Reports can generate binary output files like Excel workbooks, so maybe there's also some way for the XLSX file format (as a C4C Report output file) to accept all fields in the C4C database, including all of the many possible notes in the Notes tab and all of the many possible files in the Attachments tab.

Is this possible? If so, can someone send a pointer describing the procedure using the C4C Reports interface? I've searched the web, and I've browsed and searched the SAP Cloud for Customer Analytics Guide, and I don't find what I'm seeking anywhere. If this is not possible using the C4C Report creation wizard, is there an advanced Reports interface that would allow using SAP SQL to create a report like what I'm seeking here (in particular, including all notes and files for a record).

I'm thinking that if the Advanced Business Application Programming behind the C4C web-app can present all the notes and all the files attached to a single record in a web browser, then it must also be true that other code (maybe SQL) can export all these notes and files to a single export file.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Kind regards,

Kevin Ford The Submariner

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