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How to change the editor template for the number type?

0 Kudos

I upgraded a SAP Hybris/Commerce from v1808 to v2205. In my custom SmartEdit-Extension I had a service that changed the editor template for the number type so that it could hold a value of 0. (I used this tutorial for it: Tutorial

Here is the code of the Service I created

angular.module('newGenericEditorConfigurationServiceModule', ['editorFieldMappingServiceModule', 'newsmarteditContainerTemplates'])
    .service('newGenericEditorConfigurationService', function(editorFieldMappingService) {

        this.overrideDefaultEditorFieldMappings = function() {
            editorFieldMappingService.addFieldMapping('Number', null, null, {
                template: 'newNumberTemplate.html'


Now in v2205 Smartedit got upgraded from Angularjs to Angular and so the service is not working anymore.

Anyone has an idea how to do it? I already tried the code from here: Trail

import { SeEntryModule, EditorFieldMappingService, moduleUtils } from 'smarteditcommons';

. . . . . . ..
    imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
    declarations: [],
    entryComponents: [],
    providers: [
            provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
            useClass: DummyInterceptor,
            multi: true
            (editorFieldMappingService: EditorFieldMappingService) => {
                // Adds the mapping. With this the new widget will be used for all fields of type "Range"
                editorFieldMappingService.addFieldMapping('Range', null, null, {
                    template: 'rangeFieldTemplate.html'
export class SmartedittrailContainerModule {}

But it is not working I get still the same old template. Here they are using the same old AngularJs Syntax, but don't show how to wire it up to the new Angluar Module.

angular.module('trainingModule',  ['editorFieldMappingServiceModule', 'smartedittrail/cmssmarteditContainerTemplates'])
        .run(function(editorFieldMappingService) {
            editorFieldMappingService.addFieldMapping('Integer', null, null, {
                template: 'web/featureExtensions/smartedittrail/cmssmarteditContainer/integer-editorTemplate.html'

Anyone has an idea how to do it in the new version?

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