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How should we do build Redis Sentinel and Cluster structure?

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Our goal, to provide serious time savings and prevent that this result will occurrence error during mobile login.
We used RedisTokenStore interface that under oauth2 platform for store on Redis instead of DB.
Default HybrisOauthTokenStore and RedisTokenStore implemented TokenStore in spring-security-oauth2 jar.

Performance increase of up to %60 was observed when measured in load test. But, cluster structure didn't build yet.

We will management as parametric that running token service on Redis or Hybris. In this case, we assumed token invalidation when Redis crashing.

Manuel tests made with new user and exist users.
Firstly tried login scenarious and secondly follow order,cart scenarious. It has been observed that operations such as read, retrieve, store, remove occur in the same way as in the DB.

Information :
-Machine properties with redis installed(Total 3) : 120gb RAM, 200 GB Hard disk, CentOS 7
-Site user traffic avarage count : 3000 user
-Diagram we planned:

1- How should we do build Sentinel, Cluster structure and pool configs?

2- Additional, is there any disadvantage using Redis instead of DB for token store?


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