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How can we set start date is today date and end date is greater than start date

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Hi ,

can any one suggest to set up start date as todays date ans end date as greater than start date in promotions

thanks in advance

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Hello ,

I have checked how you can do that, and i found two ways for it.

The first one is to overwrite the defaultvalue for startDate and endDate in a new extension and overwrite this attributes in the items.xml file in the extension. I have made a simple class to do this:

 public final class CreateDate {
      private static Date currentDate = new Date();
  public static Date CreatePromotionTimeStart() {
       return currentDate;
   public static Date CreatePromotionTimeEnd(final int promotionDurationTimeInDays) {
       final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
       cal.add(Calendar.DATE, promotionDurationTimeInDays);
       currentDate = cal.getTime();
       return currentDate;

In the items.xml:

            de.hybris.merchandise.CreateDate.CreatePromotionTimeStart() //startDate
            de.hybris.merchandise.CreateDate.CreatePromotionTimeEnd(10) //endDate

The second way to make this work is to create a InitDefaultsInterceptor.

For this I have also made a class:

 public class DateInterceptor implements InitDefaultsInterceptor {
      private int promotionLength;
   public void onInitDefaults(final Object arg0, final InterceptorContext arg1) throws InterceptorException {
       if (arg0 instanceof AbstractPromotionModel) {
           final Date currentDate = new Date();
           final AbstractPromotionModel apm = (AbstractPromotionModel) arg0;
           final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
           cal.add(Calendar.DATE, promotionLength);

In the extension-spring.xml:

 <bean id="DateInterceptor" class="de.hybris.merchandise.interceptors.DateInterceptor" >;
          <property name="promotionLength" value="15" />
   <bean id="StadiumInterceptorMapping"
       <property name="interceptor" ref="DateInterceptor" />
       <property name="typeCode" value="AbstractPromotion" />

Feel free to use/modify/extend the code if you want to. I hope that it helps you Best regards,

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