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Getting error while trying to create a custom cms component in hybris. How to fix?

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I tried to add new constant value inside Actions Interface and inside CMS interface in which is one of the steps while creating a custom cms component

  1. public interface ControllerConstants
  2. {
  3. interface Actions
  4. {
  5. interface Cms
  6. {
  7. //All the existing lines goes here
  8. String CustomOffersComponent = _Prefix + CustomOffersComponentModel._TYPECODE + _Suffix;
  9. }
  10. }
  11. //All the existing lines goes here
  12. }

I am getting this below error,

[yjavac] C:\Users\2210084\Desktop\hybrisSoftware\hybris\bin\custom\aswintraining\aswintrainingstorefront\web\src\com\aswin\aswinrm\storefront\controllers\ error: cannot find symbol

[yjavac] String CustomOffersComponent = _Prefix + customOffersComponentModel._TYPECODE + _Suffix;

[yjavac] ^

[yjavac] symbol: variable customOffersComponentModel

[yjavac] location: interface Cms

[yjavac] 1 error

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