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Does CDC support registration flow and authentication for a network or WIFI?

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Hello there,

Does anyone can advise if CDC supports registration and authentication for a network or WIFI?

Seems there is no SAP resources/documentations explain for this use case yet, but thought the WIFI network should be handled by CDC as well, as the other CIAM solution offers this type of workflows.

We have requirement to implement a central login page (similar feature like captive portal from a hotel's or airport's WIFI) to force a user to authenticate before connecting to the internet from our corporate WIFI network. So is it possible to create the CDC hosted page and workflow (by referring to to intercept the attempted connections and redirect the user to the CDC hosted web page. After the user completes the registration including consent information, their connections are no longer redirected and they are allowed access to the internet.

Thanks and kind regards,


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Answers (3)

There is no "official integration" with any WiFi provider, but this approach is possible in-theory. The key factor to consider is how the WiFi system allowlists/blocklists traffic before the user authenticates. As CDC is a multi-tenant SaaS offering, a stable internet connection to the domains that are used by the CDC WebSDK is a pre-requisite for all functionality to work.

The feedback that CDC has received from customers who have attempted such an integration in the past is that the Cisco Walled Garden's ability to allowlist traffic using a wildcard (e.g. * doesn't really work so they end up having to allowlist all the individual domains and will end up having issues with the "maximum" allowed domains. That said, there are workarounds to this such as using a CNAME domain for the Web SDK and/or using a server-side direct REST API integration without CDC's Web SDK instead.

My general recommendation would be that this topic should be discussed further with SAP's expert/services consulting team as it should be pursued as an implementation/customization initiative - it isn't something that CDC can realistically guarantee support for without a product-level integration with the specific WiFi hardware provider, which to the best of my knowledge is not coming up anytime soon on our roadmap.

Active Participant

More or less it depends on what your companies WiFi solutions offers to do such an authentication. Most of the WiFi solutions provide possibility to do RADIUS authentication or implement your own captive portal. Both of those solutions could be implemented with CDC. For radius you need an oicd to radius bridge and cdc is the oicd provider. If the wifi solutions provides oicd authentication ootb it is even better then you can use cdc directly.

The option to implement a captive portal may be a lot of effort but also this could by done with cdc sdk.

I would recommend to check first what the wifi solution offers as authentication option and then check for the implementation path with the smallest effort.

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Thank you christoph.probst and jstan for your helpful answers.