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Delete business partner in SAP Marketing Cloud


Can anyone explain what exactly is a process of business partner deletion? We are sort of provided with ILM from S/4HANA Cloud

but at the same time we don't have necessary apps properly functioning. For example, blocking apps do not work due to missing authorizations, because necessary roles or role templates are not provided as it should be according to SAP note 2942367.

Has anyone ever deleted a business partner in SAP Marketing Cloud?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Hi mariss.,

Has anyone ever deleted a business partner in SAP Marketing Cloud? -> Yes we have successfully deleted Business Partner in MC not long ago.

First of all you have to activate two scope items in MC:

XX_62Y (Data Protection and Privacy)

XX_1KA (Information Lifecycle Management)

Regarding the business role you need the following business catalog: SAP_CMD_BC_MD_BLOCK_PC.

Important apps in the process:

- ILM Policies

- ILM Audit Area

- Block Master Data – Business Partner

- Manage Archiving Variants

- Monitor Archiving Jobs

I hope this was helpful for you!

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

So first of all you have to set up ILM Policies for Residence and Retention Rules and assign it to an ILM Audit Area. Then you can use the App Block Master Data - Business Partner. After that you have to set up an archiving variant.

0 Kudos

We have missing authorization issue when trying to use blocking app. Did you do anything about it?

We are also missing some configuration components (not activated by SAP like it seems) that should be used based on best practice items 1KA and 62Y. Was it alright for you?

0 Kudos

As mentioned above: before you can use the blocking app you have to set up ILM Policies for Residence and Retention Rules and assign them to an ILM Audit Area. Maybe that's why the error occurs?

For the scope items, we had opened a ticket/incident to SAP to have them activated.

0 Kudos

Were you deleting BP's with "Application Jobs for Blocking". Were you deleting BP's en masse?


You have to make a difference between blocking, archiving and deleting BP.

First, you block BP using the "Scheduling Block Business Partners" or "Block Master Data - Business Partner" App. Then you archive them using the "Manage Archiving Variants" App. After that, they are automatically deleted from the system after a certain time.

Yes, I tried to "delete" all BP from the system at once.

For this I had defined the intervall of the number range of all our BP in the system.

But the number range was always too large for the apps. Therefore I had to split it into several smaller intervalls of number ranges.

0 Kudos


I am blocking BP's now and have scheduled a job for archiving. Noticed that app to schedule job for blocking is very picky. It is either one BP or a range. Other options it does not like.

Is it so that in "test" and "production" mode for archiving you have to wait for 7 days?

0 Kudos

our jobs were not running as scheduled, because some technical setup by SAP was not done. Now we have archiving jobs running, but they are not picking up anything. Can you please tell your entries in ILM policies?

We have assigned CA_BUPA object to audit area BUPA_DP and for that have added one policy for retention and one for residence. I have a feeling that there something is not correct.



Hi mariss.:

look at: SAP Notes - SAP for Me

For Residence Rules we set the Application Name "BUP", the Residence Period "1", Unit "Day", Time Ref. "Start of Retention Period".

For Retention Rules we set Partner Cat. "1" to "3", Min. and Max. Retention Period "0", Unit "Day", Time Ref. "Start of Retention Period".

You need to make sure that both have the policy status "live". And assign both (BUPA_DP) via "ILM Audit Area" to CA_BUPA_ADD and CA_BUPA.

After that you can use the App "Block Master Data - Business Partner".

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks! We have policies set as you suggest and blocking we did. It is archiving that is not doing anything for us.

0 Kudos

So you go to the App "Manage Archiving Variants" and set up a new one.

For Details you have to set:

- Collumn 9 Partner (the BP-ID you want to archive)

- General Data: X

- Recalculate Sort Details: X

- Action Archiving

And then press "Schedule Archiving". After 7 Days the BP should be archived. You can monitor it via "Monitor Archiving Jobs".

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor

Hello mariss.,

Long time. Hope all well.

There's no way to do so in SMC you may reachout to SAP under CEC-MKT-BF.

But, I would like you to refer to this thread -

Thank you.

Kunal Bansal

SAP CX SME - SMC, CDM, Emarsys


I saw all of earlier threads discussing this topic, but none of them have a clear answer to a question "Why there are all the necessary apps available and how to use them"?

Especially since it is mentioned in SAP help that we can schedule "Archiving jobs", but that requires blocking which does not work. Very confusing.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello mariss.,

Yes, this is a confusing topic, better submit a ticket to SAP under CEC-MKT-BF.

Thank you.
