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DEBMAS partner role list to hybris company / b2bunit

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Hi Folks,

we already have custom extensions in our datahub-project (currently on SAP Commerce 1905), where we added/modified some attributes of some types. we receive (DEBMAS) idocs,transform them based on sapproduct and sapcustomer-extensions of datahub.

Now we want to attach all partnerroles from debmas to it's B2BUnit in SAP Commerce. As first solution we declared a many2many-relation in hybris (PartnerRole - B2BUnit) and created an impex based on a custom canoical relation object, a custom canonical "partnerRole" object with all it's attributes and the existing B2BUnit CanonicalPartySales.

This is not the right way as it is a one2many relation by design. It works 1 time only, creating these relations, updating fails on the hybris side, maybe we could ignore this. But it's not the right way.

We're stuck to create a "datahub" relation internally to have this as a collection-attribute in the B2Bunit like "groups" - like a real updateable 1-many-relation - is this the way it should go ?

Should the "collection" on a canonical-Item be used and how should the canonical items be related (primary-key, foreign key) ?
If anyone have some advice ?

Here's some data:


E1KNA1M-E1KNVVM->[...]        <E1KNVPM SEGMENT="1">
        <E1KNVPM SEGMENT="1">


<expression spel="true">#this?.getField('E1KNA1M-KUNNR') + '_KNA1'</expression>
<expression spel="true">#root.getField('E1KNA1M-E1KNVVM-VKORG')+'_'+#root.getField('E1KNA1M-E1KNVVM-VTWEG')+'_'+#root.getField('E1KNA1M-E1KNVVM-SPART')</expression>



Target-XML - RelationObject:

<name>partyId</name><!-- externalPartyId = "CustomerID" = 0010000123 -->
<name>partnerRoles</name><!-- CanonicalCustomPartnerRole.publicKey -->

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