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Consent management for Multi country site in CDC with Multi Brand

0 Kudos

Hi Team,

Problem Statment.:

Our Customer Has 2 Brands

  • Brand A
  • Brand B

Each brand has multi-country support. i.e,

  • Brand A

  • Brand B

Customers for both Brand A and Brand B are common.

Hence I designed the website hierarchy in CDC as Below.

>> Parent Brand

Brand A

Brand B

Now my problem Is, Consent for will be different from I need help to have site-specific consent. That Is consent for will be different from

Note: I kept one site ( Brand A) in CDC for both &, Just because, All styles and functionality are sharing each other except consents

Any help will be appreciable

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Eldhos,

The custom locale option would be available only when you migrate to new consent solution.

To migrate to new consent solution, click on the "click here" hyperlink in the Consent Management information message(highlighted in yellow) in below screenshot.

Thanks & Regards

Pavani K

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Participant

Hi Eldhos,

Before finalizing the requirements and configuring Consents for your group&sites, I highly recommend you go through the following:


There are two solutions for managing Consent in CDC. Let's call them:
- Consent v1
- Consent v2(new approach)

Starting in July 2021 SAP announced a new Consent solution(v2), due to each Consent version being managed on the locale level, and any locale may hold many different versions of a consent statement.

SAP postponed several times the transition to the new solution(v2), but now it is defined the final date(June 30, 2023) and no further postponements will be made.
It means all customers can opt-in to this feature at an earlier time; however, on June 30, 2023 it will go live for all ECPM(Enterprise Consent and Preferences Management) customers.

Consent v1 vs Consent v2 in two words

In the legacy(v1) solution even if you defined several localized consent templates, it didn't give you the capability to consent/re-consent for each of them.
In the new(v2) solution you are able to consent/re-consent versions for localized consent statements(not the entire consent).


Having a look at the screenshot in comments, you are using Consent v1 which doesn't meet your requirements.


I suggest you move to Consent v2 asap, as:
- Consent v2(unlike Consent v1) supports multiple locales/languages and meets your requirements.
- It will be done automatically on 30 June(but better to be prepared for this transition prior to the final date)

Must have to read

Consent Management - Site Changes
Consent Management Components

Here you can find:
- How in CDC Console move to the new Consent solution
- There are a lot of user flow samples, that illustrate the use of Consent v2.
- Check if all flows meet your requirements and test cases.


Hi Friend,

Thank you for your support here as before. Can you check the below screenshot and confirm whether this is V2 version? If Yes, Where I can Add new locale?

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Eldhos, you are welcome.

Yes, it is v2.
Under Locale, you can use existing ones, like: English, Spanish, etc.. or define your custom locale(the last dropdown item of the list).

Active Participant


I think you have two options:

1. Use different child sites for these regional pages/applications. So you can set up separate consent statements for the various regional sites. Utilize the copy configuration tool to apply the same site configuration (besides consents) from one to all sites of the same brand.

2. Utilize the new language support of the consent management v2 and introduce custom language tags for UK and US or CA and FR, as awativrishabh mentioned in his answer.

Option 1 may require using a "deployment script" to apply changes across all brand sites while offering better auditing and flexibility long-term, while Option 2 is easier to set up.

Sebastian Schuck

0 Kudos

Thank you for your response.

As I said, I would like to go ahead with the second approach. How can we create a custom Locale? I cannot see that option in CDC. Kindly help

I am allowed to select only predefined locales


Hi Eldhos,

With your current configuration,

Parent Brand

  • Child Brand 1
  • Child Brand 2.

You can Configure two different consents. Please find below the detailed understanding:

Parent Brand site- Consent Statements- (Brand 1 consent and Brand 2 Consent)- Both not active.

Child Brand 1 site- Consent Statements- Brand 1 consent active (This makes Brand 1 consent mandatory)
Child Brand 2 site- Consent Statements- Brand 2 consent active (This makes Brand 2 consent mandatory)

Also make sure to add the localization template with different locale value like US(EN), UK(EN- Custom) or any other locale value as per requirement. Then, please specify the proper locale value while triggering the Screenset.

With this setup you can get 4 different consent combination, Brand 1 US Consent, Brand 1 UK Consent, Brand 2 US Consent, Brand 2 UK Consent.


0 Kudos

Thank you for the response.

But I have doubts, How can we create a custom Locale? I cannot see that option in CDC. Kindly help

Active Participant

You should be able to select Custom Locale as local after upgrading to Version 2 of the Consent Management (Caution: Upgrading can break your sites), like this:


Hi Eldhos,
You have to migrate your consent to the SAP's new V2 Consent management solution. however, on June 30, 2023 these features will go live for all our ECPM customers.

To the problem of creating custom locale, As Sebastian mentioned the screenshot in the comment. You can choose the custom locale value and set the name as EN-UK. Now EN-UK will be your custom locale value.

Please find link to migrate to the new consent solution.




Super... I found It..

Thanks you