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CCO Table Mode - Kitchen status for sales items

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello all,

We would like to build a small module on top of CCO to be able to process dishes cooked in the kitchen. The idea is to have a monitor in the kitchen that shows all the items waiting to be cooked (sales items with status "ordered"), and then have them disappear when marked as "prepared" by our super-duper to-be-developed module.

I wonder if the field SALESITEM.STATUS could be used for this purpose. According to note 3055195 - Values for STATUS field in SALESITEM table of CCO / CCOm database - SAP ONE Support Launch... the field will have a value of 5 when "Ordered" and a value of "2" when "Confirmed". So I guess the question is: can we change the STATUS value from 5 to 2 to mark a sales item as "confirmed" in the CCOM database? I know it's probably a bad idea, but that's the whole purpose of this post: To find a better solution. 🙂

An alternative might be to add an additionalfield to the sales item, but I'm afraid it might easily be overwritten by CCO when any change is made to the receipt...!?

Any thoughts? Or maybe someone has already done something similar?

Best regards,


Accepted Solutions (1)

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Jörg,

we have developed such a Module + CCO Plugin already. It is not part of the CCO standard delivery. If you are interested contact me, then we can align if our functionality fits your requirements.

Best regards, Harald

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Email was sent. Looking forward to more information!


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