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0 Kudos

Hi Gurus,

In the Silver Client version of C4C, the Administrator WC is not showing "GENERAL SETTINGS" WC view.

User had below standard business role.

When I try to edit the access right of business role,  "ASSIGNED TO USER" is not editable.

Can any one suggest the way to get the GENERAL SETTINGS WC view So that I can create a new Z business role

to hold needed WC.


Suggest me the way to edit the Standard Business role WC assignment, so that I can add needed WC by checking the check box "ASSIGNED TO USER"


Mohamed Ansari


Mohamed Ansari

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Hi Mohamed,

You need to assign Administrator work centre to view General Settings for that you have to go to application and user management, You first have to assign Administration WorkCentre to your business role (e.g. EDGE_ADMIN)

After that assign this (e.g. EDGE_ADMIN) to your user and then try

It should workout


Surjeet Bhati

0 Kudos

Hi Surjeet,

Business user having  -> EDGE_ADMIN business role-> having administrator WC.

We are already having Administrator WC. which is fine .


In general Administrator WC will have  GENERAL SETTINGS WC view.

i.e Administrator WC-->GENERAL SETTINGS which helps to create  business users and business roles.

In our case we are not having  GENERAL SETTINGS WC view,so we are unable to create the Z business  role and business users.

Can you advice on this?



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Mohamed,

You need to drill down into Administrator WorkCentre & view assignment  using application and user management

Just check if you have checked General Setting inside that.. if not check it then you will be able to see it


Surjeet Bhati

0 Kudos

Hi Surjeet,

I really appreciate your response.

But my case is different. Let me clearly explain you.

I have above WC in the C4C.

I don't  have any WC related to application and user management.

I cannot assign Application and user management to the standard business role.

so i have to create a custom business role  to add the needed wc.

but again i cannot create a custom business role from standard buiness role bcoz it doesn't have any WC . which is an dead lock .

