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action tab missing in cic0

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I would like to ask you about "action tab" missing in CICO and present in crmd_order.

I think I have to use transaction crmv_ssc to copy the one existing in crmd_order, which is the profile type "SALS", screen profile <*>, tabstrip panel "sales_hd01" function code "sales_actn", subscreen 7158.

I should copy this one to the telesales profile type (TSAL), with my screen profile, but as SALES_ACTN does not exist in TSAL, I would choose TSALES_HDR_GENR, and then I could change its name with the tx se41? Is that right? And which would be the subscreen number? Should I create a new one? in that case how could I do it?

Thanks in advance for your help


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Raquel,

Check if you hav action profile assigned in the your transaction type.

For that go to 'Define Transaction Type' in IMG and double click on your transaction type. There in you will find a text input named 'Action Profile'.

Best Regards,

Pratik Patel

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Thanks for your replies.I will try to explain it better :). TSAL is the screen profile type, not the transaction. I have an action profile assigned to the transaction ZAG, for that reason with crmd_order, the "action tab" is visible. But the problem is when the agent is working with CIC0, selects from one workspace called CRM, the option Quotation.

Then, as SAP standard, not all the tabs that are in crmd_order are visible in item level to the agent (for example he can see General, additional data, text...) but he cannot see "action" or "shipping".

If you go to transaction crmv_ssc (maintainance screen sequence control), select "screen profile type" SALS and "complete tabstrip assignment of panel", you would see the function code SALES_ITEM_ACTN. If you do the same with screen profile type "TSAL", you could not find that function code. So I would need to copy it from SALS to TSAL as I said previously and it is in that moment where I found the problem of the screen number and so on.

Sorry, I did not say it is crm 4.0


Former Member
0 Kudos

I suppose you have solved your problem, but it might be helpful for others.

In tx CRMV_SSC, at the bottom you can find option Screen Prof.Type Select where you can assign profile SALS to UI method CIC

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Raquel,

Please check if there is an action profile attached to your transaction type TSAL.


Shalini Chauhan