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About SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 Updates

SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 follows a continuous innovation release model. There are three important points to note related to this new model:

  • No more large Upgrades. From December 2022, i.e., post-2211, SAP Commerce Cloud is releasing smaller, monthly Update Releases ("Update(s)"), containing security updates, bug fixes, and features

  • An Update is current (supported) for (a minimum of) 6 months. SAP recommends customers to take Updates on a monthly basis, while it is required to take Updates at least every 6 months1

  • New features are released in a deactivated state for 6 months, and then in an actived state with the option to deactivate for another 6 months. This means customers have up to 12 months to adapt their custom code, if required2

Generally, the effort related to taking an Update is none to minor, and depends on whether the new features (or deprecated code) are used and the extent of customisations. Keeping the project code base as close as possible to the standard code base will reduce the effort of taking Updates. Customers with Professional or Enterprise Editions can take advantage of the included Platform or Technical Upgrades, respectively, for Update(s). Customers control which Updates to take and this can be specified in the manifest.json file as was the existing practice:

  • Specify the Update to use (most common)

  • Update to the latest Update automatically

  • Specify the number behind the Update to use

To learn more about SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 Update Releases, please get familiarised with the following documentation:

Step-by-step Guide - 2211 Updates

To support customers in adapting to taking smaller, more frequent Updates, SAP is providing documentation on SAP Help Portal, and notifications via Cloud Portal and email. Please look out for the notifications3 and follow the steps below to prepare for and take an Update:

  1. Regularly check the upcoming feature releases on SAP Commerce Cloud Roadmap

  2. Check the current Update Releases and their validity

  3. Subscribe4 to and check What's New in the latest Update(s) since last deployment, to evaluate and plan for potential code changes and testing required. Select the relevant "Product Version"(s)

  4. See the Upgrade guide for the relevant Update(s) to take

  5. Enable features for the relevant Update(s) to take

  6. Deploy and test the Update(s) on lower environments

  7. If new features affect custom code and code changes are required, implement and test the new features on lower environments. Alternatively keep or set new features as deactivated

  8. Deploy the Update to production environment(s)

This new model is introduced as part of the modernisation of SAP Commerce Cloud. It makes sure customers stay on the latest and most secure code base and take advantage of improvements and new innovations, contributing to positive business outcomes. If you have any feedback on the process and approach, please post or vote for Improvement Requests under the appropriate categories in the SAP Commerce Cloud Automation Continuous Influence Session on Customer Influence Portal, or feel free to reach out to We are happy to hear your experience with the new release model!

Want to learn more from the experiences with 2211 Updates so far? Check out Staying Current with SAP Commerce Cloud Monthly Update Releases for more details and examples.

1 Once the Update validity date is passed, you will no longer be able to create new builds with non-current Updates, however you can continue to deploy/run existing builds.

2 If these features are in extensions not used, they will not be included in the build, and hence, have no impact on the Update. 

3 To receive important notifications about your Commerce Cloud subscription, visit the SAP Support portal and subscribe to the SAP Cloud System Notification Subscription (CSNS) service.

4 It is now possible to subscribe to the What's New page on Help Portal to get notified of new features and functionalities