Welcome to the SAP Cloud for Customer community of experts!
We hope to make this your one stop for all solution expertise and understanding—so you can get the most out of SAP Cloud for Customer.
We created this community as a result of direct feedback from you: our customers and partners. We heard you when you asked for a way to engage directly with SAP and its experts about what matters most to you.
With that in mind, we will provide you with the latest developments and in-depth information on subjects from core solution functionality—across sales, service, marketing, commerce and social—to industry functionality, analytics, mobile apps, extensibility, and technical configuration. In addition, we’ll continuously add tips, tricks and tutorials aimed at making the most of SAP Cloud for Customer. We’ll also provide details on integrating your solution with SAP and non-SAP enterprise back-ends, leveraging prepackaged integrations (iFlows) and technologies such as SAP HANA Cloud Integration. Tips will also include best practices identified by our service and customer success teams.
SAP experts from solution management, knowledge management, product management, development, product marketing, sales, sales engineering and product support are all actively participating in the community, and look forward to engaging with you on the latest and greatest information regarding SAP Cloud for Customer.
We look forward to helping you engage your customers like never before!
Thank you and welcome once again,
Nayaki Nayyar
SVP, SAP Cloud for Customer & Integration