These Release Notes focus on new features and enhancements delivered as part of the Web Client UI Framework EhP3 Support Package 10.
The WEBCUIF development team members are doing their best to provide those new developments on older releases. So if you are interested in a specific feature, verify its availability by checking the corresponding SAP Note.
New Features and Enhancement
Keyboard Shortcuts for Advanced Search Pages
On advanced search pages, the new keyboard shortcuts <Shift>+Down and <Shift>+Up will allow users to navigate through either the Criteria, Operator and Criteria Value directly, as well as cycle from the first to last entry and vice versa. For instance, if the cursor is currently in a Criteria Value field, <Shift>+Down will move the cursor to the next Criteria value until the last Criteria Value is reached, at which point pressing <Shift>+Down again will set the cursor to the first Criteria Value.

See SAP Note: 2165904
Rich Text Editor Default Font Name and Font Size Personalization
Text editor personalization was added in SPERS_MAINT which adds 2 new fields (default font name, default font size) in table WCF_TEXT_EDITOR_PERS which, when changed, changes default font and size globally for all text editors. If the font name and size are defined in the tag declaration of a view, it will still take precedence.
See SAP Note: 2161387
If you missed them, check out the WEBCUIF EhP3 SP09 - Release Notes