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Product and Topic Expert

If you open any web-shop you will at the beginning most probably only navigate through the product catalog. Later – after you have done the registration, if you have ordered a product or if you have something to complain about – other areas are interesting as well.
In Web Channel Experience Management we have two areas which are accessible as navigation on top of the screen – "MyAccount" and most of the cases also "Service and Support". This blog is about the navigation areas on the left side of "MyAccount” and “Service and Support". It’s not a very complex topic – not for using this in the shop, but also not from a configuration point of view.

Illustration 1: My Account

"MyAccount" and "Service and Support" in the Web Shop

Via the "MyAccount" Area in the Web Shop you can e. g. navigate to Sales Transactions or to the area where you can maintain your own Account. For "MyAccount" the user must be logged on.
"Service and Support" contains navigation entries for Service Requests, Complaints or the registration of Products. Here it is not always required to be logged on already.  Both menus look very similar there are always two navigation-levels. The first level (Menu Heading) is just to group navigation targets and has no own content. It’s possible to expand and collapse all entries of the second level under the related Menu Heading.

Illustration 2: Menu Headings and Menu Options

The second level (Menu Option) is the link to the related page. This could be an advanced search page, a page to create an object or anything else. We call this navigation "Area Navigation". The active Menu Option will always get highlighted so that the user also has some kind of context information from the left-menu.
I guess this is all a user should know about the left navigation menu and I'm sure this is more or less intuitive to use.

Configure "MyAccount" and "Service and Support" in the Web Channel Builder

The configuration of "MyAccount" and "Service and Support" is also quite easy. If you set up a new configuration you just have to add the modules "myaccounts" and "mysupport".
Please note the "mysupport" module is only available for configurations using CRM as Backend.
Now you have to first add Menu Headings and at least for one Menu Heading you have to add Menu Options. There has to be at least one Menu Option. If there is no Menu Option assigned an error message will get raised in the Web Channel Builder.

Illustration 3: Configuration of "myaccounts" in the Web Channel Builder

Within the configuration of the "myaccounts" or "mysupport" module it is very easy to change the order of Menu Options within a Menu Heading but you can also change the position of a Menu Heading with all related Menu Options. It’s possible to remove a Menu Option or a Menu Heading with all related Menu Options.
It’s also possible to have a Menu Heading without any related Menu Option. However in this case even the Menu Heading will not get displayed in the Web Shop and in the Web Channel Builder this will get indicated with a warning message.
If you want to add Menu Headings and Menu Options there is only one thing you have to take care for. The available entries are dependent on the modules you have already assigned to your configuration.
If you add a module after the configuration of the "myaccounts" or "mysupport" module the navigation entries are not added automatically to the left menu. If you remove modules later on this can also have an impact on the left menu. As there are also some dependencies to the settings within other modules we like to recommend doing the configuration of "myaccounts" and "mysupport" after you have defined the other modules and setting.

Update existing MyAccount or MySupport configuration

If you change a menu heading and/or menu option inside your module's XML file after you have saved a configuration with the menu heading and/or menu option NO automatic update take place. You must do the following steps to update your configuration with the current state:

Step 1: Remove the changed menu heading and/or menu option from the configuration

Step 2: Add the changed menu heading and/or menu option to your configuration

Further Information

related to Web Channel Experience Management in general

related to User Management