This blog describes how to create a custom defined report based on standard SAP campaign success data sources in order to be able to report in a productive client on campaign success figures with a drill-down according to the campaign execution time stamp.
Additionally it illustrates the creation of a customer defined measure and its consumption in the custom defined report.
Moreover, besides of the concrete campaign execution analytics use case, this blog gives a general guidance how to define and productively use custom reports in the cloud typical constellation of test and productive client.
This blog is relevant for SAP Marketing (Cloud and OnPrem) customers. It helps to independently build sophisticated campaign execution reports based on standard SAP data sources.
This is requested by several SAP Marketing customers through customer office, customer incidents and direct contact with customers.
High-level steps:
- In test client, app "Custom CDS Views": Create a custom CDS view.
- In test client, app "Custom Analytical Query": Create an custom analytical query based on the custom CDS view created in the step before.
- In test client, app "Export Software Collection": Export the custom CDS view and the custom analytical query created before.
- In productive client, app "Import Software Collection": Import the custom CDS view and the custom analytical query exported before from the test client.
- In productive client, app "Analytics and Report Gallery": Create on top of the custom analytical query a custom analytical query view.
Steps in detail:
App "Custom CDS Views" in test client
Choose "Create", add a name and a label for the custom CDS view.
On "General" tab, add 'I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube' as primary data source 'I_MKT_CampaignSuccessRun' as associated data source, set flag "Analytical" and choose "Cube":
Define 'CampaignExecutionRun' from associated data source fields = 'CampaignExecutionRun' from primary data source as condition in the association properties:
On "Field Selection" tab, choose field 'I_MKT_CampaignExecutionRun.ExecutionRunDateTime' and other fields of your interest like 'I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.CampaignID', 'I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.CampaignName', I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.InteractionContactId', 'I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.FullName', I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.NumberOfSentMessages, I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.NumberOfDeliveredMessages, I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.NumberOfUniqueOpens, I_MKT_CampaignSuccessCube.NumberOfUniqueClicks, etc.:
Press "Save Draft" and "Publish". The newly created custom CDS view is ready for consumption.
App "Custom Analytical Query" in test client
Choose "New", enter in the upcoming "New Query" pop-up a name for the custom analytical query, choose as data source the custom CDS view created before and confirm with "OK".
On "General" tab, enter a label for the custom analytical query:
On "Field Selection" tab, select the fields of your interest:
On "Display" tab, you may re-arrange the order of the chosen fields by using "Up" and/or "Down":
On "Display" tab, add a new calculated measure by clicking "Add" - "Add Calculated Measure":
Enter a label and a name in "New Calculated Measure" pop-up and confirm with "OK":
In the "Properties" area of the newly created calculated measure, click on "Edit"
and enter the desired expression in the "Expression Editor" by choosing measures and operators:
Confirm by clicking "OK" in the "Expression Editor".
Press "Save Draft" and "Publish" in order to publish the custom analytical query:
The newly created custom analytical query is available now for consumption:
App "Export Software Collection" in test client
Create a new export software collection by clicking on "+" in the "Export Software Collection" app.
Type in a name for the software collection and press "Create":
In the newly created software collection add the desired items by clicking "Add Items":
On the "Add Items" pop-up, search for the custom CDS view and for the custom analytical query by their technical names, select them in the item list and confirm the pop-up with "OK":
Then perform a check for the software collection by clicking "Check".
Then click on "Export" in order to export the software collection. Click on "Export" in the upcoming pop-up in order to confirm:
After the export finished, this is reflected in the export software collection:
The software collection with the custom CDS view and the custom analytical query is read now for import in the productive client.
App "Import Software Collection" in productive client
Import the software collection in the productive client by searching for it in the "Import Software Collection" app and click "Import":
Confirm next pop-up with "Import":
This will trigger the import of the software collection and you will get after some time the "Imported" status:
App "Analytics and Report Gallery" in productive client
In the "Analytics and Report Gallery" app you can find the newly created custom analytical query:
Open this element by clicking on the corresponding entry.
On the following screen choose a start date and an end date and confirm with "OK":
In the "Filters" area you can choose the measure and the attribute values (like a certain campaign) you want to filter on:
Press "Go" and drag & drop the dimensions of you interest like "Execution Time Stamp" to the "ROWS" area:
Save the report view you just configured by entering an appropriate name, set "Public" flag and confirm with "OK":
Subsequently, you may save the report view as tile in order to have a quick access to it from the Fiori Launchpad:
Furthermore the newly created custom report can be consumed in
analytics stories.