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Objective : There are the instances  when there is a need to support same promo code across the catalogs. Since Promotion ‘code’ is unique identifier within promotion module. This article has the details to handle such use case - "Same Promotion code for different catalog."

Description : One of the possible solution is to deploy multiple promotion modules in the Promotion Engine. Associating catalog to different promotion module will resolve the problem. After this , same promotion could be published in all the necessary promotion modules. This way we can have same promo code for different catalogs.

Steps are as follows ,

step -1 Create Promotion module 

  • Below are the required impex files to create new promotion module with name “promotions-ca-module” and map it to testCAProductCatalog Online version.

INSERT_UPDATE DroolsKIEModule ; name[unique=true]    ; mvnGroupId   ; mvnArtifactId ; mvnVersion ; ruleType(code) ; active ; version ;  
; promotions-ca-module ; hybris-rules ; promotions-ca ; 1.0.0 ; PROMOTION ; true ; -1 ;

INSERT_UPDATE DroolsKIEBase ; name[unique=true] ; kieModule(name)[unique=true] ; equalityBehavior(code) ; eventProcessingMode(code)
; promotions-ca-base ; promotions-ca-module ; EQUALITY ; STREAM

INSERT_UPDATE DroolsKIESession ; name[unique=true] ; kieBase(name)[unique=true] ; sessionType(code)
; promotions-ca-session ; promotions-ca-base ; STATELESS

INSERT_UPDATE DroolsRuleEngineContext ; name[unique=true] ; kieSession(name) ; ruleFiringLimit
; promotions-ca-context ; promotions-ca-session ; 200 ;

UPDATE DroolsKIEBase ; name[unique=true] ; defaultKIESession(name)
; promotions-ca-base ; promotions-ca-session
UPDATE DroolsKIEModule ; name[unique=true] ; defaultKIEBase(name)
"#% afterEach: de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""ruleEngineSystemSetup"").initializeModule(impex.getLastImportedItem());"
; promotions-ca-module ; promotions-ca-base

INSERT_UPDATE CatalogVersionToRuleEngineContextMapping ; context(name)[unique=true] ; catalogVersion(catalog(id),version)[unique=true]
; promotions-ca-context ; testCAProductCatalog:Online


  • Promotion Module - Backoffice view : with new promo module


step-2 :  Publishing promotion from backoffice 

  • Navigate to Marketing -> Promotion rules -> Show All

  • Select promotion for example : target_customer_order_threshold_fixed_discount

  • click on publish rule , choose module let say promotions-module to publish.

  • After this promotion would be available for USOnline catalog to storefront .

  • Edit promotion Rule. Change website from one group to other . Here we have taken the example to change the group from USPromoGroup to CAPromoGroup

  • Now re-publish the promotion to different module let say ,promotions-ca-module.

  • This way promotion with same code could be deployed and would be  available for both the modules.


step-3 :  Publishing promotion via impex 

The use case here is to publish promotion rule in promotions-module and promotions-ca-module with the help of impex

To deploy the promotion rule with same code into more than one promotion module , will introduce translator . This translator will take care of promotion version so that correct version could be picked up to insert/update the values such as website, condition action etc.

Translator : Sample Code
package com.test.core.impex.translators;
import de.hybris.platform.core.Registry;
import de.hybris.platform.impex.jalo.translators.AbstractValueTranslator;
import de.hybris.platform.jalo.Item;
import de.hybris.platform.jalo.JaloInvalidParameterException;
import de.hybris.platform.jalo.enumeration.EnumerationValue;
import de.hybris.platform.promotionengineservices.jalo.PromotionSourceRule;
import de.hybris.platform.promotionengineservices.model.PromotionSourceRuleModel;
import de.hybris.platform.ruleengineservices.enums.RuleStatus;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.model.ModelService;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;

public class PromotionVersionTranslator extends AbstractValueTranslator {

private static final String PROMOTION_QUERY_PART1 = "select {pk} from {PromotionSourceRule} where {code} = '";
private static final String PROMOTION_QUERY_PART2 = "' AND {status} IN ({{select {pk} from {EnumerationValue} where {code} IN ('PUBLISHED','UNPUBLISHED','INACTIVE') }}) order by {version} desc";

public String exportValue(Object var1) throws JaloInvalidParameterException {
if(var1 instanceof PromotionSourceRule ) {
return ((PromotionSourceRule)var1).getCode();
return var1.toString();

public final Object importValue(String valueExpr, Item toItem) throws JaloInvalidParameterException {
Object ret=findVersionValue( valueExpr);
return ret;

private Long findVersionValue(String code) {

final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(PROMOTION_QUERY_PART1+code+PROMOTION_QUERY_PART2 );
List<PromotionSourceRuleModel> results = getFlexibleSearchService().<PromotionSourceRuleModel> search(query).getResult();

Long finalVersion = Long.valueOf(0);
if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(results)) {
PromotionSourceRuleModel promotionSourceRuleModel = results.get(0);
PromotionSourceRule promotionSourceRule = getModelService().getSource(promotionSourceRuleModel);
EnumerationValue status = promotionSourceRule.getStatus();
Long version = promotionSourceRule.getVersion();
if(status.getCode().equals(RuleStatus.UNPUBLISHED.getCode())) {
finalVersion= version;
else {
finalVersion= version+1;

return finalVersion;

private FlexibleSearchService getFlexibleSearchService() {
return (FlexibleSearchService) Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean("flexibleSearchService",

private ModelService getModelService() {
return (ModelService) Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean("modelService",


  • Below impex header with groovy script will handle the deployment of promotion (same code) to promotion module promotions-module and promotions-ca-module simultaneously .


INSERT_UPDATE PromotionSourceRule ; code[unique=true] ; version[unique=true][translator=com.test.core.impex.translators.PromotionVersionTranslator]; name[lang=en] ; status(code) ; priority ; maxAllowedRuns ; stackable[default=false] ; ; actions ; description[lang=en]
"#% afterEach: de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""ruleCompilerService"").compile( de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""modelService"").get(impex.getLastImportedItem()),""promotions-ca-module""); de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""platformRuleEngineService"").initializeAllRulesModules();"

#Test promotion
; test; test; test promotion;PUBLISHED; 40; 1; true ; orderPromotionRuleGroup; <replace with condition>; "[{""definitionId"":""y_trigger_message"",""parameters"":{}}]" ;; This is test promo. ; This is test promo.


INSERT_UPDATE PromotionSourceRule ; code[unique=true] ; version[unique=true][translator=com.test.core.impex.translators.PromotionVersionTranslator]; name[lang=en] ; status(code) ; priority ; maxAllowedRuns ; stackable[default=false] ; ; actions ; description[lang=en]
"#% afterEach: de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""ruleCompilerService"").compile( de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""modelService"").get(impex.getLastImportedItem()),""promotions-module""); de.hybris.platform.core.Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean(""platformRuleEngineService"").initializeAllRulesModules();"

#Test promotion
; test; test; test promotion;PUBLISHED; 40; 1; true ; orderPromotionRuleGroup; <replace with condition>; "[{""definitionId"":""y_trigger_message"",""parameters"":{}}]" ;; This is test promo. ; This is test promo.