While updating a Registered Product in C4C from SAP ERP system, inbound web service message fails with below error: -
Error Message "Enter a Customer" When Update Registered Product in C4C Replicated From ERP
Kindly check the below knowledge document to resolve the issue
While replicating a Registered Product in C4C from SAP ERP system, inbound web service message fails with below error: -
Error: Installed object must be of type functional location When Replicating Registered Products
Kindly check the below knowledge document to resolve the issue
Installation Points are replicated to C4C successfully, but external ID is missing
External ID Field Empty in Installation Point
Kindly check the below knowledge document to resolve the issue
You will have to check "Activate Alternative Labeling" under the below
mentioned Menu Path in your external system.
Plant Maintenance and Customer Service Master Data for Plant Maintenance
and Customer Service ->Technical Objects->Functional Locations->Alternative Labeling for Functional Locations->Activate Alternative Labeling
While replicating a Registered Product in C4C from SAP ERP system, inbound web service message fails with below error: -
Error: - Status profile already exists and cannot be changed
Kindly check the below knowledge document to resolve the issue
Warranty Details missing in the Registered Product replicated from ERP: -
You have replicated Registered Products along with Start and End Date (Warranty Details) from ERP to C4C but no warranty details are getting replicated.
Kindly check the below knowledge document to resolve the