This is a continuation from part 2 (LINK).
4.4 Operational Mapping
Create ‘New’
In the operational mapping, we map both the request and the response.
Search for ‘Name’ in Design Object SAP_BYD on SOURCE side:
Then click ‘Apply’.
Now perform a similar search on ‘Target Opreation’ – BUT here we look in Design Object CED_ERP_INT:
Click ‘Apply’.
NOW PAY ATTENTION – Click on ‘Read Operations’ and you will see a couple of things happening:
You will see two tabs now – one for Request and one for Response.
Yu will also see the Source Message and Target Message name field in.
Now we need to do select the mapping program – ONE FOR THE REQUEST AND ONE FOR THE RESPONSE. They are the mapping names we configured in the prior step.
Select ‘Name’:
Select name and click ‘Apply’.
The select the ‘Response’ tab:
Select ‘Name’ and the message mapping for response message is displayed.
Select this.
Then back at operational mapping ‘Save’ and then ‘Activate’.
The Operational Mapping is now active.
At this point we have configured the following:
zsbh_tech_int_1_in - COD_ERP_INT - Inbound
zsbh_tech_int_1_out - SAP_BYD - Outbound
Message Mapping
zsbh_tech_m_map1_ERP_COD (from ERP to C4C) - Response
zsbh_tech_m_map1_COD_ERP (from C4C to ERP) - Request
Operational Mapping
The remainder of the configuration have to be done in the
Integration Builder
Continued in PART 4