I have got several questions about partner address handling. For exaple:
Why the address is not displayed for a partner in parties involved assignment?
Why the BP's Name2 (not Name1) is displayed in WEBUI for Japanese users?
Why the addresses are diplayed differently for the same BP per differnt logon users?
The partner's address is displayed in a document as per the following logic:
Address type + sender country (usually the user's maintained country) + Partner number+address number
The above combination is sent to the address management which returns the address in a format that is dependent on the sender's country.
So, if a customer's own address format key is set in table T005 (field ADDRS) for a country, it is necessary to create a customer's own address format routine to make sure the address can be converted to correct display/print format.
For country JP, the formatting routine key for printing addresses is set to 013 by default. With this routine, the BP's Name2 is displayed as the partner's description in WEBUI.
The address type is also a factor to influnce the display of partner address.
There are 3 address types:
3=Contact person.
For address type 1 Organization, the value of line type "1" in the formated address (converted according to the formatting routine key for printing addresses) is displayed as the partner's description; for address types 2 Person and 3 Contact persion, the value of line type "N" in the formated address is displayed as the patner's description.
Maybe this goes to too detail.
To sum up, if there is address display problem, please check the address format key (T005-ADDRS) for the user's country first.