In this Integrate Your C4C with WeChat series, ( and, we have gone through the integration scenarios of external individual customer engagement with C4C and internal employee engagement with C4C. In C4C, when managing customer, besides B2C scenario (customers are individual customers), there is also B2B scenario (customers are contacts of corporate accounts). With new features of the C4C 1902 release, now you are able to build C4C WeChat integration for the scenario of external corporate contact engagement.
Scenario 3 – For External Corporate Contacts
The scenario is similar with that for external individual customers. The only difference is customer is not individuals but contacts of corporate accounts.
In this scenario, a company uses C4C to manage its sales or/and service business. The company can have many other corporate accounts as its customers. Sales representatives or service agents of the company interact with the contacts of the corporate accounts. The contacts are WeChat users.
Of course, the company needs to register its WeChat Official Account and the corporate contacts need to follow this WeChat Official Account. The company can publish or send its WeChat Official Account as a QR code so the corporate contacts can follow it by scanning the QR code.
Depends on your business, you may allow your customer contacts to create contacts in your C4C via WeChat or you would like to create the contacts in C4C and then contacts only need to link their WeChat user to the C4C contacts via WeChat. The creation or registration should be an service developed at the WeChat Official Account. During the registration, WeChat user provides his/her info like mobile, email, etc. and this info is used to identify the contact in C4C.
With the linkage between WeChat user and C4C contact, creation/modification to the business objects in C4C can be posted to WeChat user. You can also develop other functions at your WeChat Official Account to provide WeChat user more services to interact with C4C like creating a service ticket. Then interaction for the ticket can be performed by contact via WeChat and service agent via C4C.
Here is the end of all the Integrate Your C4C with WeChat series. Thanks for reading.