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During data replication between ECC and CRM, the archived BPs or customers are not automatically filtered. So you would have to implicitly set the filter to achieve this.

1. If you want to set filters for object BUPA_MAIN in R3AC1, you could perform the following steps:

     1> Run T-code SM30, enter table name SMOFFILFLD.

     2> Create entry as follows. That is because that table SMOFFILFLD is the controlling table for allowed filter fields. In the standard only the mentioned table/field names are provided but you are able to add more as you see fit.

     3> Run T-code R3AC1, click on tab "Filter settings", add filter for object BUPA_MAIN:

This part has been pointed in my KBA 2163871 - How to set up filters for archived BP for object BUPA_MAIN

2. If you want to set filters for object CUSTOMER_MAIN in R3AC1, you could perform the following steps:

     1> Go to Tcode R3AC1 of CRM system.

     2> Choose object CUSTOMER_MAIN and click on the "Filter settings" tab.

     3> Add the filter as KNA1-LOEVM unequal to "X".

This part has been pointed in my KBA 2336339 - How to set up filters for archived Customer for object CUSTOMER_MAIN

3. If you want to set filters in SMOEAC for archived BP, you could add the filters as below:

Regarding how to generate filters in SMOEAC, you could refer to the KBA 1834681.

Here I also want to remind you the difference of the filters in R3AC1 and SMOEAC:

- Filters maintained in R3AC1 works for the following scenario:

>> Initial load of objects, both in the direction of ECC to CRM and from CRM to ECC.

>> Delta load from ECC to CRM.

- Filters maintained in SMOEAC works for the following scenario:

>> Upload from CRM to ECC.

Hope this blog could help you.