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Dear community members,


The easiest scenario to set up Web Channel Experience Management 2.0 is to use SAP ERP as a backend and the TREX as a search engine. It is easy to set up, and causes low costs after go live. But how can you edit the content for the product catalogue? Transaction WWM2 doesn't provide the necessary tools. Here the SAP Consulting Solution "CatMan" comes into the game.


Here is a brief overview about the CatMan's functionality. Find more the details in SAP Note 755052.



The "CatMan" is installed within the SAP ERP System as an Add-On. After the product catalogue is maintained it is replicated to the TREX which usually is installed on the same server as the web Channel Application.

Eitors can manually maintain hierarchies, assign products, edit longtexts and assign images, PDFs and other documents. The automatic maintenance of catalog can be managed with the CatUpdate. So it is possible to update the catalogue when new materials are created, changed or deleted. Many other comfort fuctions ease the life of the editor who is responsible for the content, i.e. where-used functions, copy functions, work lists for phase in and phase out and a function to track changes. With the CatTranslate the catalog can be translated effectively into other languages.

To ensure that the data of the catalogue are complete the editor runs a quality check before he publishes the data. The system indicates with traffic lights, where data need to be maintained.

With CatMan not onlz Online/catalogues can be maintained. It is also possible to provide content for printed catalogues, sprae part catalogues or to create XML/files for further catalog processing.

Best regards,

Helmut Back

Consulting Manager

SAP Germany