After you starting an initial load in R3AS, if you want to abort it before it runs through its end on its own, in most cases, it's not enough to just abort it in R3AM1. Although you have selected the entry in R3AM1 and hit the button 'Abort', when you start the same initial load again in R3AS, you frequently see the popup
This means the abortion of initial load has not been done thouroughly.
To ensure the initial load is aborted properly, firstly you need to abort it in R3AM1. Afterwards, you need to check the CRM outbound queue and inbound queue, in SMQ1 and SMQ2 respectively, to see if there's any relevant queues, if any, delete them manually.
Thirdly you need to check SM50 in both CRM and ECC, to see if there's any relevant work process still running for the initial load. If any, you can select that work process and cancel it as shown in the following figure.
If you still cannot start the initial load because the old initial load is still not aborted, even after you did all the aboves, you can go to table SMOFDSTAT, find the relevant adapter object, and check the field 'DNL_STATUS'. If DNL_STATUS is still running, you can manually delete this entry. This can ensure the initial load is aborted.