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Product and Topic Expert
SAP Hybris Marketing supports out of the box tracking of contact interactions from any channel. This means you can not only track outbound interactions like mail opens or clicks which are send from Hybris Marketing but also other rather inbound interactions coming from e.g. webshop, website, call center, CRM or any other front-end application.

See the picture below to get an idea how the campaign can track and control outbound interactions.

In addition it is also possible to link the Hybris Marketing internal tracking for mails with an external tracking tool e.g. on the website. To enable this we provide for each link within a mail a so-called sap-outbound-ID which can be automatically appended as parameter to the link URL (see picture below).

The sap-outbound-id parameter is a 40 char string and can be fetched by any website, shop or web analytics tool. You can add this parameter value to the session context of your webshop and later pass it back to Hybris Marketing by creating an interaction.

To attribute interactions coming from the website or shop with the campaign identifier you can do the following while creating the interaction in Hybris Marketing:

  1. Fetch the sap-outbound-id parameter (coming from the URL in the mail)

  2. Fill the field IdOrigin of the interaction with the constant ‘SAP_TRACKING_ID’

  3. Fill the ID with the value of the sap-outbound-id.

With this Hybris Marketing will automatically add the campaign information to the newly created interaction.

In summary we support the following capabilities:

  • Automatic tracking of e-mail open and clicking in the mail (no additional software needed)

  • Multiple static parameters like “utm_….” or other. This will be the same for all contacts unless you add personalization attributes

  • Multiple personal parameters personalized for each contact e.g. “?utm….&gender=male…..”.

  • Generated outbound ID which uniquely identifies the interaction, campaign & contact without disclosing personal data to the outside system.

  • Use the outbound ID to allow external tracking tools to identify contacts and campaigns which created traffic on websites

  • Usage of parameters and outbound ID for Web tracking with any kind of web analytics

Here you find more info on how to connect interaction data from front end systems like webshops.

Here you learn how to use Google Analtics together with Hybris Marketing