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Credit cards play important part in our life and so is in CRM BP Master data. Cards are used for cash free payment in various business transactions and also in the internet transactions. In this era of Internet sales, it becomes all the more important to have the Payment card integrated within the systems. This reduces the human effort with the secure transaction modes thereby providing goods in minimum time. Even though there are different types of payment cards available we are going to look specifically about the Credit cards in this post.
The Credit cards are stored in the system where the sales and distribution operations are performed like the R/3 system. To quickly and efficiently process sales orders with payment cards, you can store card data in the payer master record in the ECC system. When you create a sales order in the ECC system we simply call up a list of cards for the customer using the matchcode on the payment card number field. The system automatically copies the card data into the sales order for the card or cards that you choose from this list.
Since with the existence of the CRM system this customer can be also available as the Business Partner in the CRM system this payment card record is also required for this BP in the CRM system. The Payment card details for every Customer is replicated to the CRM system so that the BP in CRM system can be able to perform any kind of online transaction or payment.
Types of replication supported for Credit Cards:
  1. Replication between CRM BP to ERP BP and vice versa.
  2. Replication between ERP Customer to CRM BP.
  3. Replication is not supported between CRM BP and ERP Customer.
Customizing settings to be done before replication:
  • Card type should be maintained in both the systems.
    • Card Type maintenance in ERP and CRM systems:
      • SPRO
      • Cross Application components
      • Payment cards
      • Basic Settings
      • Maintain Payment card type.
  • Card category should be maintained in bot h the systems.
    • Card category maintainenace in ERP and CRM systems
      • SPRO
      • Cross Application components
      • Payment cards
      • Basic Settings
      • Maintain Payment card category
  • During replication of the credit card from one system to another every card type should be assigned to a card category. This enables the system to
    understand and check which card type belongs to which card category. For ex the card type VISA belongs to the category Credit card. This can be maintained in following SPRO path in both the systems.
      • SPRO
      • Cross Application components
      • Payment cards
      • Basic Settings
      • Assign Payment card category to Payment card type.
  • Some times End user has to block the credit card due to some circumstances for which they have to provide the reason to block it. If there is no reason provided the system will throw an error during the replication of the blocked credit card. This can be maintained in following SPRO path in both the systems.
      • SPRO
      • Cross Application components
      • Payment cards
      • Basic Settings
      • Maintain Card blocks
  • During replication of the credit card there are some validations done on the credit card to check whether the credit card is valid or not for which the customer has to provide some checking rules which would be able to validate the credit card. There are some standard checking rules provided by the SAP and following are few of them. If the End user defines the new card type then he has to create the checking rules for that card type otherwise the replication will not be successful.
Checking ruleFM (To validate the card)
01CCARD_CHECK_AMEX (to check the AMEX card type)
02CCARD_CHECK_MC     (to check the MC card type)
03CCARD_CHECK_VISA   (to check the Visa card type)

  • Since the credit card is a very critical data which can cause the financial loss to the organization if it is exposed to wrong people. So it is mandatory that whenever the replication of the credit card happens, it should be in a secure way for which card should be encrypted before sending from one system to another and then save it in the encrypted format so that no one will able to understand the card data. To enable the card encryption during defining the card type we should check the encryption checkbox to encrypt the card during replication or saving it in the system. To achieve this we can follow the following IMG path.
      • SPRO
      • Cross Application components
      • Payment cards
      • Basic Settings
      • Maintain Payment card type.

       Here user can check the encryption check box for the card type. To allow the system at the point in which the encryption should happen can be defined in the following SPRO path.

      • SPRO
      • Cross Application components
      • Payment cards
      • Basic Settings
      • Make security settings for payment cards.

Possible errors during replication:

  1. R11 561 - Specify Card type:
    1. Payment card type is not maintained in CRM system.
    2. Payment card category not defined but if defined not assigned to any card type in CRM system.
    3. If there is no checking rule present in the system.
  2. R11 345 - Payment card does not exist for BP:
    1. If there is no checking rule maintained.
  3. R11 144 - No credit card details found:
    1. Card number or type may not be filled or deleted during the exchange.

Above errors are most common errors. Not necessarily to be created for the reasons mentioned but mostly happen due to the reasons mentioned. In any case of confusion, debugging the flow will be able to spot the error accurately in terms of replication.