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Introduction to the use case



Adding utility content to C4C involves the following:


  1. Exposing a function module as as web service in IS-U (ERP)

  2. Configure PI

  3. Implement the service in C4C


In this series of blogs I have tried to document most all steps of the process using screenshots. YOU SHOULD BE WARNED: If you do no like screenshots then this is not a blog for you.


The focus is on the end process that would work. I am not a developer, nor a PI consultant, so none of this should be considered to be used as is for productive use, but will show all steps needed to enable the end to end scenario.


The implementation is simple. Exposing the Master Data Template in IS-U for creating Connection Object and Premise and implement a view in C4C, where the user can enter the required data and have them created in C4C.


The web service is a synchronous service, so have the request to create the data and a response with the id of the created Connection Object and Premise, and these are stored in C4C in a custom object.


So the proces is:

  1. User enter data in C4C

  2. Call to MDT in IS-U (the profile is hardcoded for this solution)

  3. IS-U returns the id of the Connection Object and Premise

  4. This is all stored in a custom object in C4C.



Below is a screenshot of the view to enter data in C4C:



As you can see not pretty but, but it does work end to end.



I have broken this blog down in to the 3 parts:


  1. Creating the web service in IS-U (LINK)

  2. Configure PI (LINK) - total of 5 parts because of many screen shots

  3. Implementation in C4C (steen.hansen/blog/2016/09/05/enabling-c4c-utility-web-service-call-to-is-u-erp


I have only finished the documentation for PI, but will publish both step 1 and 3 shortly.


If you find any errors or have suggestions for improvements let me know.



Hope you enjoy.

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