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This blogs contains basic integration setup between C4C-S4H using PI and how business partner integration and architecture is different from ECC and will restrict myself to integration only.

Connectivity Set Up between SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP S/4HANA
1) Create S4H user - S4user is required to communicate between system and necessary authorizations are required for success full connectivity and data replication.
a) Use Transaction - Su01
b) Create user - Example - CODINTEG or any user name as per business need.

2)Certificate Management in SAP C4C and SAP Process Integration

i)Go to web site.

ii)Navigate to Download Area> Root Certificates

iii)Download the SAP Passport CA Certificates and Save

iv) Go to

v).Download the ROOT Certificates

vi)In case of error downloading certificates, go to Internet explorer (Tools->Internet options-  >content -> Certificates -> Trusted Root Certification authorities). Export the relevant certificate from the list

vii) Ensure all the certificates used are valid and are not expired.

3)   Open the Process Integration and navigate to SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)


ii)      Under the Configuration tab, choose Certificates and Keys link

iii) Select the Trusted CA’s view and choose Import Entry and

  1. Choose Import repeat the steps to import the other certificate Cybertrust SureServer Standard Validation CA.


4. Configuration in SAP C4C 

I am going to discuss steps required for integration between C4C- S4H and C4C system is setup  with Administrator user and other activity like business role ,org set up , Product categories and distribution,division is already defined  in C4C.

Integration activities  in C4C are as follows

i) Define Communication system

Click on new and maintain below information as per the screen shot .

ii) ID Mapping 

Path :Navigate to the following work center view and click on edit .

Maintain Id mapping for ERP product categories/Sales org/ etc

Example :

  •     Choose Sales org from the drop down for the field Mapping of.

  •     Select System Instance ID defined in Previous step

  •      Maintain the following values.

iii) Define Communication system arrangement

A) Navigate to Administrator >>General Settings >>Integration>>  Communication Arrangements.

B)Choose New to create a new communication arrangement

C)In Communication Scenarios table, select the Communication Scenario: Business Partner Replication from SAP Business Suite ( choose as per your project scope)

D)Choose Next.

E)Choose System Instance ID from the value help defined in communication system

F)Choose Code List Mapping as SAP On-Premise Integration

G)Choose Next.

H) For Inbound communication BASIC SETTINGS, Choose the Application protocol as Web Service and Authentication method as user authentication ( for SSL authentication please refer my next blog) and settings for outbound communication is only required if we are sending data from C4C to S4H

I)Choose Edit Advanced Settings Under the Inbound tab, select Replicate like Business Partner Replication from SAP Business Suite

J)Under the Outbound tab, configure the outbound communication service Confirm Business Partner Replication to SAP Business Suite ( Only if outbound BP replication is in scope)

K)Choose Next and Finish.

L)Repeat the above-mentioned procedure for all the Inbound Scenarios like Material replication etc

M) Screen shot Inbound

N) Outbound - Click on edit basic settings > Click on outbound communication tab> enable if outbound communication is required


Example for PATH field: Open the corresponding Integrated Configuration in PI and Choose Display WSDL. Scroll to the bottom of the page and Copy the value from the WSDL URL file

Example> /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?senderParty=&senderService= bs-QS-XX&receiverParty=&receiverService=&interface=CustomerQuoteProcessingSalesOrderRequestOut&interfaceNamespace=


5) Configuration in SAP S/4HANA

To connect C4C with S4H  we need to perform certain activity in S4H

5.1) Activate Inbound SOAP for IDoc

  •        Run Tcode : SICF

  •        In the Service Path field enter /sap/bc/srt/IDoc.

  •        Choose Execute.

  •        Check if the Service is Active; if not then right click the IDoc service and select Activate

5.2) Register Service for IDoc Inbound

  •            Run T code- SRTIDOC-Select the Register Service checkbox and save changes under a Transport request

  • Note :- Basic SD related configuration  is not part of this integration blog, only integration aspects has been described .

  • BC Sets activation  and automatic exchange program both these activities are important and should be followed one after other.

  • 5.4) Run Automatic data exchange Program - Running this program creates all necessary integration related functions in S4H like distribution model/ Message type/Jobs/Partner Profile.This program also creates  configuration for BP replication which is web service based and BP related service in  soamanger  gets updated with required information .

5.4.1) Run transaction- RCOD_CONNECTIVITY

5.4.2) Select Radio button based on PI stack of your landscape 

5.4.3) select  scenario  based on scope of your project

5.4.4) Write in or select logical system name of C4C - Imp - Logical system name should be same as C4C tenant ID. Select job user and interval time . Jobs will be created for data replication like Material etc.

5.4.5) Fill in all below information from PI 

5.4.6) Take the URL of BP  from PI endpoint as this is web service based.

5.4.7) Select basic authentication  and PI communication user information

5.4.8) Click on Generate

5.4.9) It will generate all the message type and batch job and set distribution model in s4H

5.4.10) Distribution model gets created automatically

5.5) Soamanager - Webservice for Business partner gets automatically created from RCOD_Connectivity but we can also manually create in S4H

5.5.1) Run transaction - SOAMANAGER and click on Webservice configuration

5.5.2) Search for Business related web service

5.5.3) Under Configurations, choose Create > Manual configuration.

Enter Logical Port Name, Description, and select the Logical Port is Default checkbox. Choose Next.

5.5.4)Consumer Security:  under Authentication Settings check User ID/Password.  Enter the User ID and password of the RFC destination maintained in SAP S/4 HANA pointing to the SAP PI system.

5.5.5)Under HTTPSettings maintain the following values URL Access Path : Endpoint maintained in PI Computer Name of Access URL: PI system Enter the proxy details

5.5.6) On the SOAP protocol maintain the values as shown below and choose Next

5.5.7) Click finish

5.5.8) Follow the same step for other web services for Business partner. We can check connectivity by click on Ping and if there is any error we can edit and fix the same.

5.6)Configure Data Replication Framework ( Only required in S4H not in ECC) 

i) Run Transaction DRFIMG

ii) Click on technical settings for business system

Choose New Entries to add Business System for SAP C4C. If the Business system is already created, Select Business System and Logical System name using input help. Choose Save. Note - Business system ID should be same as C4C system name.Get the business system name from  communication arrangement of C4C.

iii)Select the Business System and double click on Define Bus. Systems, BOs in the Dialog structure> Choose New Entries and add BO Type 986 (Business Partner including relationships) using input help and check field Sys. Filt. In case this entry exists, skip the step


iv) For Business partner BO is 986 while for customer hierarchy BO is 1451_CUST

iii) Define Replication model

Choose New Entries and define Replication Model Name and Description and Log days as 50

  • Choose Enter

  • Select the entry created and double click on Assign Outbound Implementation

  • Choose New Entries.

  • Select Outbound Implementation as Outbound Impl. For BP/REL via Services (986_3) using the input help and choose Enter.

  • Enter Sequence as 1.

  • Select the row added and double click on Assign Target Systems for Repl. Model/Outb. Impl in dialog structure.

  • Select the Business system row and double click on the node Assign Outbound Parameter in the dialog structure.

  • For Customer hierarchy

Note - Remember to Activate Replication Model.

5.7)Activate Function Modules

In IMG menu structure, navigate to Cross-Application Components>SAP Business Partner >Data Distribution > Activate Function Modules Activate the function module MDG_BS_BP_OUTBOUND_DRF by checking the field Call as shown below.

Activation of FM brings

5.8)BC sets activity:  Mostly done by basis team.( We should run this before automatic exchange Program)

Business Configuration Set C4C_INTEGRATION_CS and C4C_INTEGRATION_CC contains additional customizing setting for SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP S/4HANA integration.BC set C4C_INTEGRATION_CC contains client-independent customizing entries for the ALE message.


  • Open transaction SCPR3.

  • Choose New BC Set Selection> Select by Texts.

  • In the dialog box enter BC Set name C4C_INTEGRATION_CS and choose Execute.

  • Double click on the BC Set ID and choose Continue in the BC Set Consistency Check pop-up window.

  • Choose Copy BC Set

  • In the following dialog box, enter the new BC Set name and short text. Example

  • Z_C4C_INTEGRATION_CS and SET C4C Integration Customizing - client specific.

  • Choose Local Object or select a transport request if required.

  • Choose Define Favorites

  • Choose Change mode and choose Continue in the BC Set Consistency Check dialog box.

  • Right click on the node Maintenance View Variant for C4C CO Scenario in the structure and choose Remove Cust. Object from BC Set and right click on the node Business Transaction Events in the structure and choose Remove Cust. Object from BC Set

  • Choose Save.

  • Open transaction SCPR20

  • In the field BC Set, input the BC Set name Z_C4C_INTEGRATION_CS.

  • Choose Activate BC Set  on the application tool bar

  • Save under request

  • Select the Business System value using input help and choose Copy Values

  • In the next pop-up, choose Continue Activation with default value.

5.9)Define Filter value

  • Filter Values are required for business partner if you have any requirement to filter data

  • Run Tcode- DRFF

  • Select Business partner line item and click on Create/display/Change

  • For an example if we want to replicate only one sales org data of sales organization 1000 distribution 30 and division 30  we need to configure it here.

  • some other example

5.10)Filter Reflexive Partner Functions

C4C does not support Reflexive Partner Functions functionality so we need to configure this else we will get error in C4C

  • Select new entry and maintain data as follows . We can also maintain data directly through SM30.


6) Difference in S4H and ECC customer architecture and integration set up

i)Difference in data load ECC/S4H


Customer Customer replication is IDOC based - BD12 or COD_INT_MENU Its Web service based DRFOUT
Customer Hierarchy IDOC based


Product IDOC based BD10 IDOC based BD10
Sales order IDOC based IDOC based
Monitor Customer replication WE02/we05


Customer In ECC XD03 XD03 no longer exist. Now in S4H we use transaction BP.

To be continued - Please Refer my next blog for DATA replication S4H to C4C and ECC to C4C.
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