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Activate marketing Permissions in SAP CRM GUI

System Used: SAP CRM 7.0 EHP2

Marketing Permissions controls that customers are contacted only via those communication channels for which they agree i.e. E-mail or SMS and marketing material is only sent to customers who explicitly agreed to receive such material.

This business function is used to comply with legal requirements i.e. permission from customers before sending them unsolicited marketing messages.

Marketing Permissions play a big role in:

•      External List Management  

•      Segmentation

       Maintenance of Marketing Permissions

Marketing Permissions can be created in:


•      Accounts (Individual, Corporate, Group)

       Contacts or Marketing Prospects

       Marketing Permissions per communication Channel, Such as Telephone or E-mail during Segment Builder

Hence a Marketing Organization is agreed with consumers on basis of:

Communication Channel

Form of Consent

Date of Consent

Consent Status

On the basis of above criteria's Marketing is basically made more specific which helps in executing the campaigns\Promotional events in a more systematic manner as to achieve high efficiency further benefiting the organization

To Activate Marketing Permissions , Follow below steps:

•     1) Goto T.code SFW5 and Click on Continue.

•      2) Highlight CRM_CORE Industry Business Function and Check corresponding Checkbox under Planned Status

•      3) Highlight CRM_MKT_PERMISSIONS , CRM_MKT_HVS Business Functions and Check corresponding Checkbox under Planned Status.

•      4) Click on Activate Changes

Once Business Functionalities are activated we ‘ll get all the Functionalities related to Marketing Permissions in GUI

  To assign Marketing Permission to business partner, We can follow below steps:

  1) Identify Account by entering different search criteria’s

         2)Once account is identifiable , Confirm the Account and contact person associated to it.

         3) Once account and contact person are successfully confirmed , Click on More Fields.

•        4)After navigating to this screen, Click on Marketing Permission hyperlink.

         5) Once we click on this link, we can enter the marketing permissions for Contact person and Account as shown in below screenshot


           Here we can provide information like Communication channel, Consent ,form of consent for Contact and Account

     Once Marketing Permissions are assigned to Contact and account , we can view them in Marketing Permission assignment block in account overview page and contact  Overview Page.

           ThankYou !!

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