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Agent or User whenever click the End Button in Web IC, Interaction center is designed in such a way that all unsaved data from current customer interaction data with its all business object/links gets Saved.

The purpose of the document is to stop or restrict auto-save in IC-Agent role.

Introduction :-

In this document IC role, I would like to take example of Service request - If an Agent is trying to create a new service request and if he push End button on a toolbar, System should not save the service request data and navigate to Account Identification page.

Step 1.  Open to the  Service request component SRQM_INCIDENT_H,  from bsp_wd_cmpwb tcode.

Step 2.  Open the Header View  SRQM_INCIDENT_H/IncidentHeaderEF  

Step 3.  In the View IMPL class add a new IC event service interface IF_CRM_IC_EVENT_LISTENER

             This controller implementation class will show you that it has a method HANDLE_EVENT that

             accepts the event name as parameter, that further will have to be implemented.

Step 4.   Before implementing Handle_event we first must subscribe this handler to the event to which it will be listening.

             This can be done in DO_VIEW_INIT_ON_ACTIVATION method, this method is generally used for registering handlers.

   DATA : lr_event_srv        TYPE REF TO if_crm_ic_event_srv.
   lr_event_srv  =  cl_crm_ic_services=>get_event_srv_instance( ).
   lr_event_srv->subscribe( event_name = cl_crm_ic_interaction_manager=>event_interaction_end_request
                             listener   = me
                             prio       = '1').

Step 5.  Next to code in Handle_event method of IC controller implementation class in which event is registered as handler.

            When Agent clicks on End button Event_interaction_end_request is called, and here is a code to revert the transaction before saving.

DATA : lr_entity   TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
       DATA : lr_tx       TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context.
       DATA:  lv_guid   TYPE crmt_object_guid.
       DATA : lr_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core.
       DATA : lr_comp TYPE REF TO zl_srqm_bspwdcompone0_impl.
CASE event->get_name( ).
     WHEN cl_crm_ic_interaction_manager=>event_interaction_end_request.
       lr_comp ?= me->comp_controller.
       IF lr_comp IS BOUND.
         lr_entity ?= lr_comp->typed_context->btadminh->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
         CHECK lr_entity IS BOUND.
         CALL METHOD lr_entity->if_bol_bo_property_access~get_property_as_value
             iv_attr_name = 'GUID'
             ev_result    = lv_guid.
       lr_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
         lr_entity = lr_core->get_root_entity( iv_object_name = 'BTOrder' iv_object_guid = lv_guid ).
         IF lr_entity->alive( ) EQ abap_true.
           lr_tx = lr_entity->get_transaction( ).
           IF lr_tx IS BOUND.
             lr_tx->revert( iv_suppress_buffer_sync = abap_true ).

If you want to check the functionality of End button, you can open a component CRMCMP_IC_FRAME

View -> CRMCMP_IC_FRAME/HiddenView, Method EH_ONFORWARDCALL is implemented in class

you can debug the standard code this below raise method will call handle event which we have implemented and revert the transaction.

ref_event_service->raise( ref_event )

Please also refer  for more information  check How To Stop Auto Save  while clicking End Transaction Button in Ic_agent Buss Role

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