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This article is intended to help other consultants like me regarding known issues, scenarios and limitations regarding SAP CPQ system.

During the implementation I had some requirements that were not very clear in the SAP HELP GUIDE if it was technically possible to implement, but it was latter clarified by SAP in the incidents or even some BUGS and limitations was dicovered.

I intend to keep this article updated as soon as I discover some nice features to share with you.

Before we describe the topics, it is nice to make it clear that SAP has released the CPQ ENGINE 2.0 recently. CPQ ENGINE version will influence in the features and settings that will be available in your environment during the project implementation. During this blog Ill highlight for which engine the limitation is applicable.


Product Replication in a different language than ENGLISH:

*Engine 2.0*

By default all products replicated from the backend (SAP ECC or SAP S4HANA) must be replicated in english only. For example the product below:

If your default language is not "english" (for example in my case the default language is portuguese), you will probably have something like this:

If you try to replicate this portuguese product to SAP CPQ, you will face the error below:

<ErrorCode>100000</ErrorCode><Description>Errors - Msg.NoProductNameNodeInXML</Description></Error>

This happens because CPI iFlow does not understand languageCode="pt" and hence the mapping "ProductName" is not present in the request to CPQ.

To solve this problem you have 2 options:

1- Change the master data language to "en" and create a translation for you current language. This option maybe is not best approach, since you will have a huge effort to translate all products.

2- Make an enhancement in the iflow "Replicate Product from SAP S4HANA" to change de default language to your preference, for example:

" <ProductName>
     <PortugueseBrazil>[Name in Portuguese goes here]</PortugueseBrazil>
</Product> "

This will fix the problem and all products in your current language must replicate correctly.


Delegate authority for replicated products:

*Engine 2.0*

Delegate authority is a CPQ Option where you can provide access to some setup tabs without make the user an admin. In this especific case, I wanted to provide access to some users access the PRODUCTS replicated from backend, so that the user should edit the product description and images from the product catalog using the option that should appear in his user menu:

However you will probably not see any products inside this option.

This happens because by default, when products are replicated to SAP CPQ they arrive marked as "visible to everyone":

For delegate authority works for SIMPLE PRODUCTS, It is mandatory that the product master data is not marked as VISIBLE TO EVERYONE. Instead of it, you should assign a permission group to the master data and then this product will be visible to the person who belongs to this permission group:

This will take some time to edit the products, but unfortunatelly this is how it works.


Mass business partner deletion:

*Engine 2.0*

Unfortunatelly business partner bulk deletion is not available for ENGINE 2.0 yet. For this reason if you need to delete some business partner, you must do it manually one by one:

Standard action QUOTE LOST not visible on quote screen:

This is a CPQ limitation when it is integrated with SAP CLOUD FOR CUSTOMER (which was my scenario).

According to SAP: "The Quote Lost action in SAP CPQ is available in the Load Existing Quotation/Project page and users coming from SAP Cloud for Customer don’t have access to this page. Consequently, in the integrated environment it’s not possible to mark a quote as Lost using the Quote Lost action."

Since I wanted a button on the quote for user loose the quote, I created a custom action and then I assigned a custom script to change the quote status when the button is triggered. See below the script:

quoteId = context.Quote.ExternalQuoteId
quote = QuoteHelper.Get(quoteId)


I Intend to post more features and limitations soon!

Thank you


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