Business Use Case: Prospects are created in our SAP Sales Cloud solution, and the Account Owner is automatically determined based on the employee who is creating the Prospect. The prospect is then promoted to SAP MDG for general validation and approval. The account can be enriched and the account owner too can be updated in MDG system and we want all the enriched data to come back and update the account in the Sales Cloud solution including the updated account owner.
System Architecture and Issues
We used the latest webservices for the integration between PI and MDG system.Since we used the new webservice from MDG instead of IDocs, it was not updating the accout owner properly in C4C. SAP confirmed that this would work only if the party role “Employee Responsible – Sales” is defined as Sales Data relevant, meaning it could work for cases where multiple sales areas are assigned to Accounts. But it would not work for cases similar to our scenario where in we do not extend sales areas in accounts (because of historical and legacy system restrictions). So we had to improvise and find another alternative solution to fix this issue.
Some SAP reference knowledge articles
Solution Proposal
To overcome the issue with the account owner update from MDG, we implemented another service “BPRelationshipReplicationIn” just to update the account owner. The standard “BPReplicationIn” service is used to update all the other general account fields, and the ““BPRelationshipReplicationIn” service is just used to update the account owner coming from MDG. This service was able to update the C4C account owner independent of the sales area, meaning the account owner field can be directly updated for accounts with single sales area data assignment too.
I have specified the sample "BPRelationshipReplicationIn" inbound payload for reference below.
Whenever a customer was enriched & updated in MDG system, C4C always received two inbound interfaces. “BPReplicationIn” updating all the generic account fields & “BPRelationshipReplicationIn” updating just the account owner.
This is the solution for the below question posted in this community last year.
Conclusion: The “BPRelationshipReplicationIn” service can be used to update the account owner in special cases if the accounts are not extended to multiple sales areas in the C4C solution. This could work for other external integrations like S4 HANA too.