On June 26 at 4:00 p.m. CET, please join me, as well as other members of the SAP Community & Influencers team, for what I hope will be the first of many SAP Community Coffee Corner Meet-Ups. You can
register right now!
This new series of calls evolves from
SAP Community Report Live call held in April. (As an aside: If you're missing
those calls, they'll be coming back in July. Craig plans to publish something about that later. For now, back to the SAP Community Coffee Corner Meet-Ups.) That April meeting was a big hit because of the variety of breakout rooms, allowing participants to talk to experts -- and other like-minded members -- about topics that interested them.
In spirit, the Report Live call in April was very similar to our very own
Coffee Corner area -- one of the most popular sections of SAP Community. Just as the online Coffee Corner discussions give members the freedom to chat about tech and non-tech alike, the April call opened conversations up to a range of subjects with broad appeal.
The success of the April call -- and the ongoing success of the Coffee Corner (especially during these
challenging times) -- made us on the SAP Community & Influencers team realize that there was a real need to connect members outside the site, to give them opportunities to explore things that interest them beyond the world of SAP. However, rather than continue to work breakout sessions into the Report Live calls -- which are meant to allow members to talk about the SAP Community itself directly with Craig, as the head of SAP Community & Influencers -- we decided that we should launch a new series of calls. And, since the purpose of the calls shares so much in common with the Coffee Corner, we thought SAP Community Coffee Corner Meet-Up was the perfect name.
As with Report Live and
SAP Community Calls, the meet-up on June 26 will be held as a Zoom event, allowing participants to join by video (or just by audio if they're camera-shy). I'll kick the meet-up off with a general greeting, then participants can join one of these breakout sessions hosted by my colleagues:
- Meet and greet: jerry.janda will host this breakout room, where members can introduce themselves and get to know each other better. Jerry will conduct some fun activities to break the ice and help members connect.
- SAP Community goodies: If you're a long-time member -- or even a newer member who has visited SAP Community booths at in-person events -- then you've probably accumulated SAP Community giveaways over the years: hats, T-shirts, pins, and more. In this breakout session, hosted by katarina.fischer, participants can show off their cool SAP Community items. (Make sure to stick around for the entire meet-up to find out how you might be able to get new stuff for your community collection.)
- Working from home: Nowadays, most of us are doing our jobs from our houses or apartments. This situation introduces new challenges, especially as we try to juggle job responsibilities with home demands. During this breakout session, svea.becker will lead a conversation about work-life balance, geared toward those working from home.
The breakouts will run at the same time -- so you'll need to pick the one that appeals to you most -- and each will last approximately 30 minutes. After, participants will re-join the main room where we can collectively discuss the various topics. We'll also talk about ideas for future meet-ups. And we'll end the call with a special announcement. (Hint: See the second bullet.)
So whether you're looking to meet new people, show off that old SDN shirt buried in the back of your closet, or discover new methods to de-stress, this meet-up will have something for you. Visit
our Meeting Registration page now to learn more and add to your calendar. Then make sure to join us on Friday, June 26, at 4:00 p.m. CET for the first-ever SAP Community Coffee Corner Meet-Up.
By the way...coffee is optional but always encouraged.