Career Corner Blog Posts
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Dear All,

“Tell it like it is” on glassdoor!

This year is challenging and we made new experiences with working from home. Therefore, we want to encourage you to tell us how your department has dealt with this difficult situation.
What did you learn from it ? What has changed and are you satisfied how SAP has adapt to the situation ?
All these kind of feedback will help us to improve and make SAP a truly valued great place to work !

Why SAP on Glassdoor?

Glassdoor allows employees and candidates that are interviewed a platform to provide ratings and feedback for career opportunities, learning & development, senior management, compensation, benefits, and company culture.

Studies from Randstad show that 91% of candidates seek reviews to evaluate an employer’s brand before applying for a job.

How do you benefit?

Gaining the best talents for your team quickly is in all of our best interests. When recognized as a Glassdoor ‘Best Place to Work’ the percent of qualified candidates is 3-5% higher.

Why submit a review again?

Because every review on Glassdoor expires after one year. That's why it's important that we continually provide ratings on Glassdoor in order to keep our scores up to date and competitive in North America.

How can you help?

It’s simple. If you have not done so already, please take the 5-minute anonymous review.

Go to and click “+ a Review” to leave honest feedback.

Our Global Ranking increased from 4.5 to a 4.6. Positive feedback from employees on how SAP has handled the pandemic generated 680+ net new reviews in Q2 (52,8%+ increase).

Total Followers grew from 117,825 to 123,910+ quarter-over-quarter (5.16%+ increase). A total of 6,085 new followers were added in Q2.