Since its launch in May 2020, the SAP Road Map Explorer has revolutionized the way SAP's product and solution road maps are viewed. The application is delivering precisely to the need of customers and users through its user-friendly UI and detailed information on roadmap items - and it recently
passed 3 million page visits by more than 300,000 users.
A big THANK YOU to all our customers, partners and colleagues for whom the tool has become a reliable source for road map information.
SAP Road Map Explorer and Upcoming Events
Connect with us at SAPHILA - the conference of the African SAP User Group - between July 9 and 11, 2023 to learn more about the tool and other road map information.
For details see the
event agenda and specifically the presentation on
Monday, July 10, 14:00-14:40 by our colleague
Information on the application as well as SAP's product and solution road maps will also be presented later in the year at the
DSAG annual event, September 19 to 21, 2023.
Visit the Expert Session on SAP Road Map Explorer on
Thursday, September 21, 13:20-14:00 (at the SAP booths area) and stay tuned for the announcement of the detailed solution road map topics in the
event information.
Access all Product, Solution and Industry Road Maps
However, there is no need to wait for those evenst! Access the application at and start browsing, saving and sharing your road maps.