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Hi all,

Please give me the steps to create the ZTABLE.


Venkat Bandaru


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

There is two ways to create table.

a) Top Down

b) Bottom down

Steps to create a Ztable are below:

1)Go to SE11,

2)given ZTABLE name and Create.

3)In Delivery Maintainance Tab..

Choose Delivery class A

and Display/Maintaintance Allowed

4)Go to Fields tab.

5)Provide ur table fields with MANDT is first field for client dependent.

If there is QUAN, CURR type fields then u must provide reference to them.

Save and Activate.

6)Click on Technical Settings

Data Class APPLO

Size .. 0 (as per ur requirement.)

SAVE and Back.

7)Click on Utilities --> Table Maintainance Generator.

8)Authorization Group &NC&.

and provide function group for table maintainance ( u can create a function group in se37 )

click on Find Scr Number button.

select Propose Screen Number and Continue.

then Create...

Save and Back

Activate the table.

9)go to tcode SM30

give the table name and click on Maintain.

there u can enter values manually too

Thanks& Regards



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go to transaction SE11. You can create the table here and in the detail screen you need to implement the fields.

You can work with your own type and length or easier, you can use existing types if you enter the table and field as reference or the existing domain.

Table type should be transparent table and class should be A or C, normally it's A, so that you can enter datasets in each system without a transport.



Former Member
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TO create a ZTABLE, The steps are as follows:

1.Go to SE11 Transaction.

2.Give Table name starts with Z or Y letter -->click create.

3.Give short description & Delivery class as "A", & Data Browser as "Display/Maintenace Allowed".

4.Click Field tab,give MANDT in field & Data element, click primary key check box & initial values and give Enter on dataelement.

5. Give field name which u want, this s primary key field. so click key check box & initial values, give data element name starts with Z or Y double click on that data element,popwindow wil come, in that click yes, give ur package name>save, it wil ask to create data element, so click yes.Then give short description, in Data type tab click we can choose either Domain or Buil-in type.If u want domain,select domain give any name starts with Z or Y, double click on that>yes >Save.It wil ask to Create domain>yes. Give short desc, give required data type, No.Chars & Output length -->Save --> Activate.

Note: We can use old domain values or we can create new domains.

6. In data element page, click Field label tab. Give short, medium, Long & Heading values >save>Activate.

7.Go to main table page, Give other fields which u want, here no need to give primary key. Do the same steps as told previously.

7.Go to Technical Setting at the top of the page.Give the Data class "APPL0". Select Size category as 0 or anything which u want -->click Save button --> Go back.

8.Activate the main table -->Save.

9.Go to Utilities -->Table contents --> Create Entries. Then Create the Records.



Former Member
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Go to SE11,

given ZTABLE name and Create.

In Delivery Maintainance Tab..

Choose Delivery class A

and Display/Maintaintance Allowed

Go to Fields tab.

Provide ur table fields with MANDT is first field for client dependent.

If there is QUAN, CURR type fields then u must provide reference to them.

Save and Activate.

Click on Technical Settings

Data Class APPLO

Size .. 0 (as per ur requirement.)

SAVE and Back.

Click on Utilities --> Table Maintainance Generator.

Authorization Group &NC&.

and provide function group for table maintainance ( u can create a function group in se37 )

click on Find Scr Number button.

select Propose Screen Number and Continue.

then Create...

Save and Back

Activate the table.

go to tcode SM30

give the table name and click on Maintain.

there u can enter values manually too.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat,

Go to transaction SE11.

1) Enter Ztable name and press create.

2) Now enter short description of the table.

Delivery Class : A or C

Data Browser/Table View Maint. :There are three options in the dropdown .

Select the one u find appropriate for your requirement.

3) Go to Fields Tab

Enter the Field name and the dataelement.

4) Go to technical settings and enter data class & size category.

5) Save and activate your Z table.



<b>Reward if helpful</b>

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Steps to Creating domains, Data Elements, Tables

To give you the steps for creating table:.

There are two approach in creating a table.

1. Bottom-up approach

2. Top-down approach.

Both are valid and you can choose which approach is suitable for you. I always use the bottom-up approach. Here are the steps to create the tables with this approach.

1. SE11 will take you to the DDIC and enter the name of the new table to be created. Let us say Zname. Click create.

2. Enter the short discription of the table and enter the field of the table. If it is primary key and you have to check the box.

3. Enter the data element and double click it, you will be asked to save and will take you to data element discription page. Enter the short discription of the data element and enter the information of domain like the length of field and type of field.

4. If you wanted to use the existing domain then its fine, or else, you have to create one. Enter the domain name in the data element page and double click it. Page will ask to save and jump to domain creation page.

5. In the domain page, you have to save the information which you have already given in the data elements page and check it. Before going to data element page, you have to activate the domain.

6. Go to data element page and save, check and activate.

7. Go to main table page and save, check, and activate.

8. Also, you have to save the technical settings of the table.

The table is now ready for operation. You can use it in your program or you can use it to enter information.

Check table: It is the table which will have all the information about the Foreign keys which are the primary keys in the check table.

It can be created by creating the foreign key from the main table. Click foreign key in the main table and it will take you to a page which will ask for table name and field to which foreign key relation has to be associated. Enter the information and you can create the check table automatically.

SM30 is used for maintenance of the table, that is to realease the errors occured during the creation of the table.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

There is two ways to create table.

a) Top Down

b) Bottom down

Steps to create a Ztable are below:

1)Go to SE11,

2)given ZTABLE name and Create.

3)In Delivery Maintainance Tab..

Choose Delivery class A

and Display/Maintaintance Allowed

4)Go to Fields tab.

5)Provide ur table fields with MANDT is first field for client dependent.

If there is QUAN, CURR type fields then u must provide reference to them.

Save and Activate.

6)Click on Technical Settings

Data Class APPLO

Size .. 0 (as per ur requirement.)

SAVE and Back.

7)Click on Utilities --> Table Maintainance Generator.

8)Authorization Group &NC&.

and provide function group for table maintainance ( u can create a function group in se37 )

click on Find Scr Number button.

select Propose Screen Number and Continue.

then Create...

Save and Back

Activate the table.

9)go to tcode SM30

give the table name and click on Maintain.

there u can enter values manually too

Thanks& Regards
