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What are Search Helps, How to create and whats the Use ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

Please tell me:

1. What are search helps?

2. Is there a diff between search helps and F4/F1 help?

3. How do we create Search Helps?

4. Whats the use of Search Helps?

Quick help is appreciated..




Former Member
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Hi Siddhartha,

Can check out the following link :-

<a href="">Link to search help</a>

Hope this solve all your queries.




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<a href=""></a><a href=""></a>



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TCode to create Search Help: <b>SE11</b>

See the Docs at links:



<b>Allot points if my post helps !!!</b>

Message was edited by: Jack

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1. What are search helps? <b>

Search helps can be used to assign an input help (F4 help) to screen fields. You can do this by creating a search help in the ABAP Dictionary and attaching it to the corresponding screen field.</b>

2. Is there a diff between search helps and F4/F1 help?

F4 - Possible values for field.

F1 - Help about the field

3. How do we create Search Helps?

U can create it using Tcode SE11.

There are two types of serach help

1. Elementary,Collective

Creating Elementary Search Helps


In the initial screen of the ABAP Dictionary, select object class Search help, enter the name of the search help and choose Create.

A dialog box appears in which you must select the type of search help.

Select Elementary search help and choose .

The maintenance screen for elementary search helps appears.

Enter an explanatory text in the field Short text.

You can for example find the search help at a later time using this short text.

In the Definition tab page enter the selection method of the search help.

You can enter the name of a table or a view (database view, projection view or help view) here. If you enter a table that has a text table, the name of the text table is automatically entered in the corresponding field.

Using the input help (F4 help), select fields of the selection method as parameter in the Search help parameter area. Select the fields that should be used in the dialog box for value selection or in the hit list.

If the selection method is a table that has a text table, both the fields of the table and the fields of the text table are offered in the input help.

The data element of the parameter is automatically copied from the selection method. The data element defines the output attributes and the F1 help of the parameter in the hit list and in the dialog box for value selection.

You can assign the parameter another data element. To do so, select the Mod flag. The Data element field is now ready for input. Then select a data element with the input help (F4 help). Only data elements whose data type, length and number of decimal places is the same as those of the previous data element can be assigned.

This removes the link between the data element of the search help parameter and the data element of the selection method field having the same name. If you cancel the Mod flag, the data element of the assigned table field is used again.

Define the attributes of the search help parameters.

Select the IMP flag if it is an import parameter. Select the EXP flag if it is an export parameter.

You can define the dialog for the input help with the fields LPos, SPos and SDis. Enter the parameter position in the hit list in LPos. If you enter nothing or the value 0 here, the parameter is not displayed in the hit list.

Creating Collective Search Helps


In the initial screen of the ABAP Dictionary, select object class Search help, enter the name of the search help and choose Create.

A dialog box appears in which you must select the type of search help.

Select Collective search help and choose .

The maintenance screen for collective search helps is displayed.

Enter an explanatory text in the field Short text.

You can for example find the search help at a later time using this short text.

In the Definition tab page enter the parameters of the collective search help.

Select the Imp flag if it is an import parameter. Select the Exp flag if it is an export parameter.

Define the types for the parameters of a collective search help by assigning a data element. Enter the name of the data element that describes the contents of the search help parameter in the Data element field.

You can assign the parameter a default value in the Default value field.

In exceptions it could be necessary to change the standard process defined by the search help. You can implement the deviation from the standard using a search help exit.

In this case enter the name of the search help exit in the corresponding field.

On the Included search helps tab page, define the search helps that you want to include in the collective search help.

You can include elementary search helps and collective search helps.

Use the Hide flag to control whether an included search help should appear in the dialog box for selecting the elementary search help. If the flag is set, the search help is not offered.

It makes sense to hide search help inclusions if one or more search paths in the standard system should not be used in a concrete R/3 System. Similarly, search help inclusions can also be already hidden in the standard system because they only can be used meaningfully in a few R/3 Systems. You have to cancel the flag in this case.

Position the cursor one after the other on each allocated search help and choose Parameter assignment.

In the next screen, enter the parameter names of the elementary search helps to which the corresponding parameters of the collective search help should be assigned in the field Reference parameter.

You can select the parameters contained in the included search help using the input help. Create a proposal for the assignment with Proposal.

Save your entries.

A dialog box appears in which you have to assign a development class to the search help.


If useful reward.


0 Kudos

Dear Vasanth,

Thanks for the help. What are the differences between elementary and collective search help? Also, If I am not wrong Search Help is a general term for creating F4 or F1 help..right?



0 Kudos

Hi Siddhartha,

There are two types of search helps

1)<u>Elementary search help</u>

It is the normal form of search help(f4help) for a particular field.You can understand how an Elementary search help is made by going thru this link.

2)<u>Collective search help</u>

It is a combination of one or more elementary search helps.You can understand how an Collective search help is made by going thru this link

F1 help is the help which gives valuable information regarding any fields.If you want to know the table in which a particular field belong to , you can click on F1 button at that field.



Former Member
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Hi Siddhartha,

Can check out the following link :-

<a href="">Link to search help</a>

Hope this solve all your queries.



Former Member
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Hi Siddhartha

F1 -> For Documentation help.

F4 -> For Input help.

F1, it gives details of that keyword on which u press F1.

F4, it display the list of all possible input values which u can enter on that field.

Search help :Search help is an ABAP dictionary object to display the list of all possible input values for a screen field with the input help.

There are two types of search help:

1.Elementary search helps

2.Collective search helps

elementary search help defines the standard flow of an input help. Components are:

where does the data displayed in the hit list come from (selection method)

what information should be displayed in the dialog box for value selection and in the hit list (search help parameters)

what field contents can be taken into account for hit list selections and which values in the hit list can be returned to the screen fields (Import & Export parameters)

what dialog steps should be executed in the input help (dialog behavior).

2.Collective search helps: combine several elementary search helps. A collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths.

You can create search help by Transaction SE11.

If helpful reward points.

